Bakugou - breakfast 🎄

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Bakugou grumbled to himself as he glared at the others in the room.

He had never particularly enjoyed Christmas, usually being forced to spend it with his overreactive parents. He usually forced himself to wake up and make breakfast, but this year, it was different...

Bakugou was sitting on the counter, watching as Y/n cooked a large breakfast, American style.

Cinnamon rolls, eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon.

Bakugou loved the smell of Cinnamon rolls, of course he would never admit it though. Y/n hummed quietly to herself, nearly putting Bakugou back to sleep if it weren't for the other students reeking havoc in the other room.

Y/n was a rebellious student, easily passing her classmates both in studies and athleticism, but still ignoring the whole Japanese mannerism thing.

She sat cross legged, ate before saying thanks, didn't enjoy rice (little bitch) and usually never bowed to Aizawa before class started.

Bakugou kind of admired her for it.

She finished cooking, smiling proudly at her handiwork.

Bakugou hopped off the counter, landing with a thud before helping her carry the large amount of food into the living room, a large buffet table set up for the food. They set the food down, she leaned over poking his side earning a glare in response.

She laughed, gesturing for him to follow her, they walked back into the kitchen, Bakugou watching in confusion as Y/n giggled, opening the fridge. She pulled out a plate of peppered cinnamon rolls, with hot sauce instead of frosting, a side of spiced German sausage and a bell pepper omelet .

"I tried one of the cinnamon rolls and they taste pretty good if you ignore the spicyness." She explained, handing him the plate. He stared down at them, eventually looking back at her with wide eyes a smile spreading across his face.

He let out a breathy laugh setting them down on the counter walking over to her and wrapping her in a hug. She smiled at him, hugging back.

"Thank you..." he mumbled into her hair. She pulled away running a hand through her hair, a small smile on Bakugou's face.

She walked back into the common room, clearing her throat.

"BREAKFAST." She yelled loudly. Soon a large wave of students crashed into the common room, picking up plates and helping themselves to food.

Y/n walked back into the Kitchen with Bakugou leaning against the counter.

"Hey." He spoke, nudging her shoulder with his.

She hummed in response, looking up from her stare at the other students.

Bakugou pointed above his head, smirking when she saw the mistletoe above them.

She sighed, rolling her eyes before a swift hand movement brought his lips down on hers. (don't look at me like that sam)

He smiled into the kiss, his arms wrapping around her waist as her arms looped around his neck.

"Get it Bakugou!" Kirishima cheered from the living room, causing the pair to break apart.

Bakugou rolled his eyes, picking up the plate of special cinnamon rolls and walking over to the tables. He sat down with his plate, Y/n soon joining him. He looked over at her, watching as she stuffed her face with food.

He leaned over pressing a quick kiss to her temple causing a small squeak to erupt from her mouth. She turned to see him, smiling widely.

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