Midoriya - Kota

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QUIRK: Water gun, user can take moisture out of the air or a nearby water source and turn it into bullets, they aren't lethal unless the user wishes for them to be.

Uraraka is quaking

*Lol you really didn't care-*

Midoriya walked with his classmates into the clearing beaten up and tired, he saw a small child, walking over to introduce himself, being cut off by his classmate.

Y/n walked up to the kid, a large smirk on her face.

"Hey sport, Aunties' been treating you well?" She greeted, lifting the small kid onto her shoulders, he slightly smiled, nodding.

"Y/n! I'm so glad your here! You can introduce Kota to your classmates!" Mandalay proposed.

Y/n smiled.

"Guys! This is my brother Kota!" She called to the group.

She set him down, watching as Midoriya approached him.

"Nice to meet you-" Midoriya stopped talking as the child punched him in the balls. A serious look on his face.

Iida ran over as Y/n doubled over laughing.

"You fiend of a child!"

Y/n calmed down, whacking her brother's head.

"Don't hurt my boyfriend next time sport." She chuckled.

Kota whipped around, glaring at the green haired boy, his eye twitching.

"Girlfriend?!" He hissed, running to try and punch Midoriya again.

Y/n grabbed his shirt, easily lifting the black haired boy off of the ground.

"Leave him alone, I was gonna tell you later anyways."

"I hate you." Kota hissed at Midoriya daggers shooting from his eyes.

Midoriya shrunk into himself, running away quickly.

"Why do you hate him?" Y/n asked, finally setting down her brother as she sat down on the floor next to him.

"He reminds me of dad and mom..."

"I'm sorry kiddo, wanna hug it out?"

Kota hesitantly nodded, wrapping his thin arms around his sister. Midoriya watched from a safe distance, smiling at his girlfriend.


Y/n sighed in uncomfort as she sat in the hotsprings with the rest of her female classmates, uncomfort clear on her face.

She heard slight commotion on the other side of the wall, immediately knowing what was wrong. She swam over to the edge of the pool closest to the wall, waiting for Mineta's head to pop over the side.

She smiled to herself as Kota blocked Mineta, pushing him over the edge.

He turned to see the girls, tripping as they showed off, Y/n leaped out of the water, easily reaching to catch her brother but yelling in frustration as he fell over the other side.

"IS HE OKAY?!" She yelled, throwing on a stolen Midoriya t-shirt as she ran to the other side of the wall, covering her eyes as she listened to Midoriya's words.

The boys coughed blushing as Midoriya stuttered, Y/n easily took Kota out of Midoriya's arms walking with her boyfriend to see Mandalay.

"Y/n and Kota's parents died during a villain fight. Ever since then Kota has hated heroes, minus Y/n of course."

Y/n nodded with a sigh as she sat near where her brother was passed out, a towel wrapped around her body since the t-shirt didn't do shit.

Midoriya walked back with Y/n holding her hand gently as they walked.

She waved goodbye stepping back into the hotsprings.

"Did you really just walk over there half naked?" Uraraka asked in shock.

"I mean yeah, I was worried about my brother, plus his t-shirt covered enough."


"Oh, yeah I stole one of Izuku's earlier this week before we left."

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