Todoroki - my stupid ass

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"My stupid ass knew better." Y/n hissed at herself , pacing her dorm room.

"But your stupid ass did it anyway." Mina finished for her, walking in the room with a large bag or snacks and drinks.

"I never really expected you of all people to have a crush on Todoroki." Mina snickered, earning a glare in response.

"You know you're not very good at this whole 'counseling' thing." Y/n shot back.

"Look, do you want me to get you guys together or not."

Y/n sighed, stressed.

"I don't know! I mean, I want to respect his boundaries but I want to do what will make me happy!"

"Fam, he likes you back." Mina deadpanned, ripping open the twizlers pack. As she crossed her legs, leaning against the wall on Y/n's bed.


There was a knock on the door, cutting off Y/n's sentence.

"It's me, todoroki, can I come in?" Todoroki knocked.

"You were saying." Mina smirked, watching as Y/n stuck her tongue out opening the door.

"Hey Todoroki, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to study together, but I see you're studying with Mina, so I will be taking my leave."

"No no! Mina was about to leave, she has plans with Kamanari." Y/n continued pushing Mina out the door as she motioned for Todoroki to come inside. He shrugged, oblivious as ever.

He sat down on the bed, pulling out his textbook from his satchel, opening it to the assigned page.

"Man, Present Mic Sensei is really confusing when he's trying to teach English." Y/n mumbled as she looked over Todoroki's shoulder.

"I don't know, English might be one of my best subjects." Todoroki responded.

"Can you help me, I'm kind of falling behind." Y/n awkwardly laughed. Todoroki softly smiled. (bby)

"Sure, okay so-" Todoroki continued his explanation of the lesson, occasionally switching to English so she could pronounce each sentence.

"This is much easier with someone else teaching, my stupid ass can't understand a word Present Mic says."

"I thought you were a stupid ass because you had a crush on me?"


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