Dabi - Kidnappings, slow dances, and new discoveries

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A/n: In this 1.) Dabi is Touya Todoroki AU (though it's probably cannon). 2.) You knew Dabi during highschool. 3.) You are a pro hero named Terra.

Quirk: Earth manipulation: You can grow plants anywhere on your body, the stronger ones are the ones closest to your hands where the power originates. You can grow them in any direction as long as there is a light source. You can also use existing plants. You can also manipulate the earth if there are plants beneath it. (Such as an island with an underground cave, that is overgrown with vines.)

I sighed sitting in a chair, my arms tied behind my back, a rather large gash on my arm, and a (most likely) sprained ankle.

This was the third time I had been kidnapped this month, once by a lowlife gang, the other by a slightly larger villain organization. It was all because I was close to all might. I worked closely with him when I first debuted as a hero, and we kept in touch.

My legs swung casually beneath me, my body needing something to do rather than stare at the crumbled wall in front of me.

A rather squeaky door opened, revealing a rather tall man with black hair and teal eyes walked in.

'I've seen those eyes somewhere.'

"Ah, she's awake. You're a bit of a brat you know that."

"Oh, I've known since I was in highschool. My friend Touya-" I stopped, cutting myself short as I realized who this was, I looked up into his eyes. Those eyes I had admired for so many damn years.

"Touya?" I whispered my head tilting to the side. He froze, glancing behind him and closing the door. He made his way over to me, squatting to eye level, resting a gentle hand on my knee. He had changed so much, he had large purple scars all over his face, connected with his actual skin by staples. He had dyed his hair black and wore a rather long jacket with patchmarks matching his skin splotches.

"I know what your gonna say, but please call me Dabi." He asked, his voice less malicious than his previous words.

I slightly nodded, needing to lean forward and wrap my arms around him, to make sure he was ok, to make sure my Touya was still alive. He took a step back opening his mouth to say something before the door squeaked again and three more entered.

One had longer whitish-blue hair and had a... Hand? on his face. The second was a misty? man, wearing rather nice clothing. The last one was a girl, in a school uniform with blond, with a rather creepy look in her eyes, she stared at me with a look of murder mixed with lust.

"Dabi, we told you to tell us if she was awake." The hand guy hissed.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say crusty." To-Dabi snapped back, startling me with his new tone, that had no resemblance of his highschool self. Dabi stole one last glance back at me before walking over to join the others.

"She's so~ pretty! Can I stab her please~" the girl whined, pulling out a knife and taking a step towards me.

Dabi's eyes widened before he gripped her shoulder pulling her back.

"No crazy, we need her for... information." I almost sighed in relief as Dabi spoke, before the hand guy took a step towards me.

"What is your relationship with All might?" The guy hissed reaching a hand towards me.


Dabi clenched his teeth as he watched his boss step towards the girl.

'Please, Please don't kill her.' He silently pleaded, watching as the man interrogated the terrified girl.

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