Bakugou- trade

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Slight angst

Bakugou grunted as people pushed into him and busily shuffled around him, he would occasionally get weird look from the towns people who actually took a moment to look where they were walking.

He was, of course, out of place here, since he usually just shopped in his village, so this, was an adventure to say the least.

He glanced around the town center, noticing a booth that was only occupied by a singular woman reading what looked like a book about dragons.

He immediately made a mad dash for it, she seemed unthreatening enough. He finally cam eto a stop in fron tof the booth catching her by surprise as she realized someone had stopped at her booth.

"Oh dear, you look new." She inquired.

"Um, If you don't do magic I don't think this is a booth for you, you look more like the uh, collectable type, so you can go over there to uh," She snapped her fingers.

"I'm blanking on their name, uh, the one with the purple hair, oh Shinsou, he carries all sorts of stuff, he travels a lot." She nervously spoke, pointing at Shinsou.

Bakugou shook his head.

"I was just trying to get out of the crowd, and second, magic actually is a hobby of mine." Bakugou smirked as she lit up with a smile.

"Do you prefer book magic or herbal magic."


"Oh, are you a mage or a wizard?"

"Yeah something like that."

"Okay, do you have an interest in dragons or would you rather other types of creatures."

"Pfft, those 'dragon' books you read, are a load of bullshit. Real dragons don't turn human at night, they can turn whenever they want."

"I'm sorry what."


Bakugou sighed as he looked up at the gate of the town.

"Here we go again." He muttered, pushing past the people around him, he made his way to Y/n's (as he learned her name was) stall.

She was seated there, reading a book on fire magic, waving her hand as the occasional spark appeared.

"Ah, a fire magic book, you don't need that, it's simple." Bakugou smirked, pushing the book down as he made eye contact with her.

She perked up, smiling at him.

"You wave your hand, and when the spark appears, you think about multiplying them." He demonstrated, a small explosion popping in his hand.

"If you want real fire, you'll have to go to the Todoroki kingdom, I don't know shit about that."

Y/n laughed, waving her hand as an explosion appeared in her own easily.

"Sorry bub, but I already know that spell, I'm trying to create blue fire actually."

"oh..." Bakugou froze.

"Would you like another castle banner, I stole one from the Midoriya kingdom, just for you." She smiled, lifting it from beneath her small bench she was perched on.

Bakugou snorted.

"You really stole a flag from the Midoriya kingdom to come brag to me?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"If you don't want it-"

"No, give it to me."


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