Bakugou - Rubatosis *small drabble*

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Rubatosis is a gorgeous word created to describe those moments when you are acutely and unsettlingly aware of the beating of your own heart. Rubatosis can occur in moments of quick fear or panic, or it can creep up upon you in those weird, quiet moments when the silence is so great that your heartbeat seems deafening.

Y/n walked in peace down the hallway, walking next to a certain Bakugou Katsuki.

She held an enormous amount of books in her hands, barely able to see over the large pile.

Bakugou scoffed, taking the top five away so she wouldn't trip and fall.

She smiled thankfully, continuing down the hall with him.

She was at peace with him, despite his loud personality and amazingly rude demeanor, he made her happy, and she calmed him down immensely.

She listened to their quiet footsteps her heartbeat almost overpowering the small sound.


They arrived in front of the classroom, handing Aizawa the books and taking their seats. Bakugou's demeanor visibly changed, from calmed to annoyed.

Aizawa began his lesson droning on and on about quirk assessments. He blocked out the noises, taking a quick glance at the girl on his mind, feeling his anger quickly dissipate.

He turned back to the lesson, a light blush coating his cheeks.


Bakugou sat down with a huff, the lunch room almost deafening in it's loud sound of chatter and the clinking of silverware.

Y/n scanned the room, looking for a friend she could sit with. She spotted Bakugou quickly making her way over to him.

"Hey." She spoke, sitting down and pulling out her bento.

He looked up at her, giving her a nod.

"Well shit..." she muttered catching his attention. He hummed, his eyes holding curiosity.

"I uh, forgot my chopsticks, like the idiot I am." She said sheepishly rubbing her neck.

He reached into his own bag, pulling out a second set of chopsticks and handing them to her calmly.

She thanked him with a large smile, offering her desert as thanks.

He took it, not having the heart to tell her he hated sweet things.

He bit into it, nearly choking.

'This shit is spicy cinnamon with a tint of red pepper.' He thought to himself looking up at her with wide eyes.

'Holy shit she's perfect'

He looked up at her, watching closely as she rambled on about a small moment that happened after school the previous day. He watched closely as her eyes lit up when talking about (your favorite topic: such as art or something)

He threw in his opinion here and there causing her to get even more into the conversation knowing that he was listening.

Midoriya, Mina, Todoroki, Uraraka and Kamanari watched from a distance as they talked.

"They love each other don't they?"


"Everyone can see it."

"Literally the definition of perfect couple right there."

"Why are they both still single again?"


Bakugou sat down on the park bench his hood pulled low as the rain poured down around him.

He tried to listen to sounds happening around him, being met with the terrible sound of silence.


He whispered to himself, remembering the random words he had found in a dictionary.

A loud set of footsteps were heard, causing him to turn and see a rather worried Y/n running towards him, umbrella in hand.

"Katsuki!" She yelled, stopping in front of him. He smiled down at her, his bad feelings washing away.

"What are you doing out here, you could get sick! I'm taking you to my apartment you live across town for goodness sakes!" She hissed at him, huffing as she grabbed his sleeve pulling him along next to her, the large umbrella above them blocking out the small droplets of water.

He looked down at her as she fumbled for her keys in front of her door.

"Why now?" she mumbled. He snorted taking the large keychain away from her, easily picking out the key and unlocking the door.

She scoffed punching him in the shoulder lightly. She made her way to the kitchen, putting the kettle on the stove turning to meet him.

She looked up at his face gently taking his hand.

"What were you doing out there?" She whispered.

He chuckled, squeezing her hand lightly as he pecked her lips.

"I needed to think so I went to where we had our first date." He stated simply.

She smiled wrapping her arms around him.

He leaned into her touch nestling his face into her neck.

He could hear her heart beat clearly, almost causing him to fall into a deep sleep.


He chuckled to himself as his brain flashed the word again.

"Rubatosis indeed."



"You're really ruining the moment."


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