Bakugou - mom

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*heavy mention of emotional abuse**

You live in an apartment near U.A, your parents live in a seperate part of Japan.

Quirk: angel

You inherited your quirk from your mother.

This one is LONGGGGGG

Y/n smiled as she sat beside Bakugou in her desk, casually making conversation as they waited for class to begin.

They had been friends for years, only being unfriendly during training.

"Yeah and I-" Y/n froze as her phone began to ring.

"Don't tell me it's your old hag." Bakugou hissed, getting angry at the thought of the woman.

"Yeah... see ya."'she waved pulling her phone from her pocket as she walked towards the door and out to the hallway.

"Hey mom!" Y/n answered faking a smile.

"Hey sweetie! Just saw that the sports festival was coming up, Don't mess up like every other time!" She snapped.


"I expect to see your best behaviour, and if that Bakugou kid is there I'm not going to be happy."  The woman snapped again.

"Yes ma'am."

"Love you!" She called through the phone, her emotions changing once again as she hung up the phone.

"Love you too...." Y/n whispered as she pulled the phone away from her ear. She plastered on another smile, running back to the classroom.

She sat back down next to Bakugou.

"What did the bitch say."

"Bakugou. Don't say that about her... she's just... emotionally unstable."

"She knows exactly what she's-" Bakugou started, being cut off by the rest of the girls running into the class.

"Y/n! Bakugou! Tonight we're having a sleepover at mine! All of the class will be there!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"Oh. I can't go." Y/n shyly declined.

"What? Why!?" Mina asked, shocked.

"My mom would kill me." Y/n tried to explain.

"Forget about the old hag for once and show up, I'll go if I don't have to drag you." Bakugou threatened, mad at the overprotective nature of y/n's mother.


"Oh cmon please?" Uraraka begged.

"....fine, but my Mom can NEVER find out. Got it?!"



Y/n nervously knocked on the door to the large house, her hand tightly gripping the strap of her bag.

"Y/n!!!!" Mina yelled as she opened the door, she grabbed her arm pulling her into the kitchen where Sato was baking as everyone else talked.

Y/n nervously looked around for Hagakure's parents. She saw no one making her way over to Bakugou.

"Where's her parents?" She whispered, setting her bag down on the floor next to her.

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