Bakugou - fairy *really long*

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Fantasy Au cuz oof

Mean mama Bakugou


Bakugou and Kirishima trudged through the woods silently, the occasional crunch of the leaves beneath them the only sound they made.

The sounds of the forest seemed to cover them, blocking out the sounds of their breathing.

Bakugou hated noise, sometimes he was glad he couldn't hear all that well compared to others, that's why he was so loud, and usually yelled. He simply couldn't hear himself.

Kirishima froze in his tracks, causing Bakugou to turn and raise an eyebrow.

Kirishima made eye contact, raising a finger to his lips, hushing his companion.

Bakugou drew his sword, backing up to stand behind Kirishima, facing the opposite direction as they scanned the trees for movement.

Bakugou heard it this time.


Bakugou relaxed recognizing the small sound, sheathing his sword as he moved along the path.

"What are you doing?! Didn't you hear it! Someone could be following us!" Kirishima hissed.

"Chill, it's just fairies, unless you steal from them, or hurt them on purpose, you'll be fine."

"Oh, okay." Kirishima shrugged, following Bakugou.

Bakugou abruptly stopped. staring down at his feet.

Two fairies were arguing beneath him, unaware of his presence.

One of them rolled their eyes, spotting him and apologizing as they moved out of his way, continuing their argument off to the side.

"Those are fairies?" Kirishima laughed.

"Don't underestimate them, just because you're strong doesn't mean anything." Bakugou deadpanned. Kirishima snorted.

"If you get in trouble, don't say I didn't warn you."

Bakugou continued walking, occasionally stepping around fairies.

"Oh shoot, we're finally in fairy territory." Bakugou mumbled.

"Why didn't you just say fu-" Bakugou's hand clamped over Kirishima's mouth before he could finish.

"Do not curse, they are VERY unforgiving." Kirishima froze.

Bakugou turned, smiling at each passing fairy, a new thing for Kirishima.

The red head followed suit, making sure he wasn't even somewhat rude.

"King Bakugou!" A tiny voice called, from beside the two men. Bakugou turned, kneeling down to look at the elderly fairy.

"Yes Fauna?" He responded.

"The queen would like to see you!" The fairy replied, flying up to tap his nose in greeting. She turned to see Kirishima, gasping as she saw his wings.

"Oh dear! Another dragon! Did you capture this one too?!" The elder scolded. Bakugou chuckled.

"No grandmother, I did not, He is a companion, and will be more than willing to wait above the trees." Bakugou gestured, Kirishima got the hint, flapping his wings to rest on top of a taller tree, out of sight from the fairies.

"I do suppose that will work." The elder sighed, leading Bakugou through a small path, Bakugou made sure to keep an eye on where he was walking, stepping over fairies and twig houses. He eventually made it to a small opening where a regular sized woman sat on a tree stump, talking to a small amount of fairies.

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