1...Todoroki - remodel *sd*

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"With hard work..." Todoroki's monotone voice echoed through his bedroom as all of his classmate's stared in shock.

Kamanari's wavering voice followed.

"You are a beast."

Todoroki sucked in a sharp breath, earning a look from Iida.

"Todoroki, Are you all right? Your breathing seems irregular which is unhealthy and dangerous!" Iida yelled, his arm chopping through the air.

Todoroki said nothing, walking away and through the hall with the rest of the class as Iida called after him.

A light shade of pink dusted his cheeks as he thought about the real reason his room looked so different.



"I didn't remodel my room." Todoroki admitted to the class, shrugging.

The class stared with wide eyes as the dual haired boy admitted to lying.

"WHO DID IT?!" Kamanari's demanding voice pierced Todoroki's eardrums, causing the boy to wince and glare.

"My...Best friend. Her quirk can essentially levitate and replace objects whenever she wants."


"None of your concern, Mineta." Todoroki hissed at the short boy.

The group of teens were sat in a large circle in the common room (minus Bakugou, who wanted to go to bed), playing a friendly game of truth or dare. Which resulted in Mina asking Todoroki about his room and his admitting to being a fraud.



"OI! SHUT THE HELL UP IN HERE!" Bakugou screamed down the hallway, stomping towards the group.

"What are you yelling about anyways?!" Bakugou's dagger-throwing eyes scanned over the crowd.

"Todoroki didn't really remodel his room! And we're trying to figure out the name of his friend who did!" Mina answered with a huff, glaring at the classmate she had admired for his room.

"The half-and-half Bastard had a second year come in and do it! I watched her walk in now shut up!"

"Do you know her name?!"


Everyone froze.

"Wasn't that the second year who tried to strangle you in a hug?"

"Isn't she the one who came in to fight all of us a few weeks ago?"

"Didn't she kick your ass in a spar?"

Todoroki rolled his eyes as his classmates begged for answers.

"Yes." He responded simply to all of their questions.

"Isn't she the one with big boobs-" Mineta started, he was promptly cut off by Ice, engulfing him entirely.

"Mineta. I will not hesitate to spar you right now."

"Ooh~, You seem protective over this one?" Mina teased.

Todoroki's face flushed with a similar shade of pink as the one when he showed his room.

"Do you like her?!"

"M-Maybe we should leave Todoroki alone for now..." Midoriya suggested, earning a curt nod from both Iida, and the boy in question.

"I agree. Todoroki's infatuation with this girl we speak of is none of our concern!"

"But Iida!"

"No buts!"


"Ayo, Sho!" A voice called to Todoroki from across the school courtyard, catching the attention of the boy. He waved at the voice with a slight smile before turning back to the eight smirking/smiling classmates he was sitting with.

"THAT WAS SO CUTE!" Mina cheered with a giggle, shaking Kamanari's shoulders.

"She is pretty cute I guess..." Todoroki muttered, though Midoriya, who was sitting directly to his right heard him.

Y/n's voice was heard again, calling out to Todoroki as she ran over, weaving through the trees and tables of the school courtyard.

"Hey bub! Who are your friends?"

"Oh, uh, these are-"

"I'm Mina Ashido!"

"Kamanari Denki."

"I'm Mineta, you're hot-" The purple haired man-child was wacked over the head with a strong hand, Todoroki's burning hand threatening him as the rest of their classmates introduced themselves.

"Awe! You're all so cute! Except the purple grape, he's...meh."

Y/n continued to socialize with the small portion of class 1-a before she was called by her friends.

"Oop! I have training. Bye bub!" Y/n smiled, leaning down and planting a kiss on his cheek before running off with her friends.

"bUb!I hAvE tRaInInG~" Kamanari and Mina cooed, mocking Y/n's voice as Todoroki's face turned pink again.

"We're just really close..."

"Oh, Bub, by the way, are we still on for that date tonight, or is your dad being an asshole again?"


"No we're still on for the date."

"Cool! See you later bub!"

"wE'rE jUsT rEaLlY cLoSe!"

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