Bakugou - concrete chills

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*Death and all that shit*

Y/n/n = your nickname

Bakugou coughed weakly as he lay on the cold concrete, his vision unclear and blurry.

A voice called to him, approaching quickly.

They lifted his head, their eyes wide with worry, wiping the blood from his lips and face.

"Y-y/n/n." He called weakly, raising a hand to brush against her arm.

She shifted to rest his head on her legs, her hands cupping his face. He weakly smiled, his chest burning with every breath he took.

"I-I love y-you." He choked out, Y/n nodded, tears falling from her eyes onto his face.

"I love you too, stay awake Bakugou, you're gonna make it." Y/n pleaded, screaming at Kirishima to get an ambulance.

"Y/n/n..." Bakugou whispered, unheard by the woman.

"Y/n/n," Bakugou called louder, trying to get her attention.

"Stay with me Bakugou we're going to get you out of here-"

"Y/n." She froze looking down at him as he weakly gripped her arms.

"I-I'm not making it out of here." He whispered, Y/n's heart fell to her feet as she watched Bakugou's chest heave his breathing and movements strained.

"O-one last kiss?" Bakugou asked with a small grin.

"One last kiss." Y/n nodded, leaning down to gently kiss him. He smiled as she pulled away.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as tears rolled down his face landing on the concrete beneath him as his body went limp. A paramedic ran over doing cpr as Kirishima pulled Y/n into a hug, staring in shock as his best friend was wheeled away in an ambulance.

"Did he at least say he loved you?"


(Slightly) GOOD ENDING

Class 1-a stood with their heads down as they watched the casket get lowered into the ground. Midoriya broke into tears. Burying his face in his hands. A gentle tap on his shoulder caused him to turn, Y/n opening her arms to offer a hug. He broke down sobbing into her shoulder.

All might was dead.

Bakugou walked over to Midoriya's other side, silently patting his back.

Bakugou was lucky it was raining, or someone might have seen him cry.

Of course Y/n knew he was crying, he looked exactly the same as when he nearly died, his eyes were red and heavy eyebags sat beneath them.

Y/n brought one arm away from Midoriya bringing Bakugou to her side. He rested his chin on her head, staring anywhere but where All might was being buried.



Midoriya held Y/n close to him as they stood in the back of the crowd, listening to the sobs as the casket get lowered into the ground. Y/n held back her own sobs, hiccupping into her hand as she covered her eyes, refusing to watch the funeral.

Iida was comforting Tsu and Mina, Kamanari and Kirishima were trying to cheer everyone else up, but there were only a few that laughed at their half-hearted jokes.

Todoroki was near tears, though he had hated Bakugou with a passion, he didn't think his death was necessary.

Uraraka ran over to Midoriya pulling him away as they went to visit with the rest of the Bakugou family.

"Are you sure I can leave you alone Y/n?"

"I'll be fine." Y/n whispered in response, watching as Midoriya and Uraraka faded into the crowd.

She flinched as a hand rested on her shoulder.

She looked up to see Aizawa, her highschool teacher.

Just the sight of his sorrowful face made her burst into tears, crying into his chest as his arms wrapped around her. Soon Kirishima's arms wrapped around her too, and suddenly all of U.A.'s previous class 1-a alumni were in a group hug, comforting Y/n.

She didn't stop crying when they pulled away, but Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya were there to comfort her.

Y/n walked over to Mitsuki, smiling weakly at the woman as they stood together, staring at the gravestone near them.

Mitsuki gulped back tears as she glanced over at Y/n, a lone engagement ring twiddling between the girl's fingers.

"He was so excited to marry you." Mitsuki commented, Y/n nodded, putting the ring back on her finger.

"I was too."

Two chapters in one day 0-0

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