Bakugou - sleep easy *SD*

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************BLOOD AND DEATH HEHEHEHE****************

Gender neutral

Bakugou sighed as Y/n silently opened his dorm door.

"Insomnia, again, really?" Bakugou muttered.

"Sorry, I can leave if I'm annoying you." Y/n apologized reaching for the door again.

"No. Just, get in the bed before Aizawa catches you."

Y/n smiled, getting in the bed with Bakugou, wrapping their arms around his waist. He nuzzled into their hair, slowly falling asleep as their own breathing slowed.

"Y/n! Y/n please! You have to stay awake!" Bakugou begged, his hand pressuring the large gash in Y/n's side.

"Bakugou it hurts.." They whimpered.

Bakugou held back tears as he looked down at them.

"I-I know, Aizawa is on his way just stay awake please!" Bakugou whispered, his tears falling onto Y/n's cheeks.

"You know something?" Y/n whispered.


"Falling asleep doesn't seem so hard anymore..." They whispered their eyes slowly closing.

Bakugou's eyes widened as he started to push on their chest, begging for them to wake up.

Bakugou flinched as one side of his bed sagged. He looked over his shoulder, sighing in relief as he saw Y/n's face.

"Oh, hey baby."

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up." Y/n smiled, kissing his cheek. As they rested their head on his shoulder and wrapped their arms around his waist.

"Please! Please! You have to wake up!"

Bakugou smiled as he walked into the common room, seeing Y/n passed out on the couch.

He picked them up, quietly walking towards his dorm.

"What am I going to do with you."


Bakugou smiled as he walked across the graduation stage, finally smiling for a camera.

Y/n cheered for him from their place behind him.

Bakugou sobbed as he watched Aizawa run towards the ambulance, Y/n held gently in his arms.

Bakugou smiled as he looked around his new apartment.

He set his box down, turning as Y/n walked in behind him, carrying one of their own boxes.

Bakugou tried to cover his puffy eyes and tear stained face as he sat in the lobby of the hospital.

Bakugou snorted as Y/n made silly faces at him from across the agency offices.

He got up wacking them on the head with a stack of papers as he made his way towards the printer.

Bakugou panicked as the nurse walked out.

The nurse shook his head.

Y/n didn't make it.

"At least she'll finally get some sleep."

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