Kamanari Denki - Colors

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A/n: Quirk: Your wings are white and give a slight glow when you are happy, you can fly, however you get tired quickly and you can make small halos appear. They are light and durable, and explode  or wrap around victim on impact. You can make up to 45 when not flying but can only make 30 when flying. They also return to you if you hold out your hand (just like Thor and his hammer.)

This is just a small drabble.

We live in a world possessing magics and quirks beyond our greatest imaginations,

But there are more than just quirks in our world.

We live on the only planet inhabiting life, but we also have a great way of finding love


Everyone is born with a soulmate (or multiple, however it is very rare)

We find those soulmates through the colors we see, and the tattoos that are imprinted on our skin.

Everyone has a tattoo of their soulmates quirk, and can see every color except for their soulmates eye color. When soulmates meet the tattoos turn white and the color is newly visible.

She couldn't see yellow.

He couldn't see (e/c).

She had a tattoo of a lightning bolt on her thigh.

He had a very large tattoo of angel wings and a halo on his back.


I walked through the halls of U.A. with a rather new sense of alertness and aloofness.

I slipped through people and twisted through halls before I stood in front of the door of class 1-a.

I waited quietly not drawing any attention to myself. I had a small suspicion I would meet my soulmate here, but it was only a small hunch of my own desire.

I pulled out my schedule, trying to memorized it before I walked into the wrong place. I slipped it back in my bag as a rather scruffy man walked up. He nodded to me and opened the door.

Everyone bowed and took their seats waiting patiently for an explanation as to who the newbie was with him.

I waved trying to seem polite.

"This is our newest student. She's a transfer from a different hero school across Japan. Treat her nicely. You may have the class to yourselves." He pulled out a large yellow sleeping bag and passed out in the corner.

"Hi everyone!" I smiled.

"Wow your really pretty!"

"What's your name?"

"What's your quirk?"

"You're just another damn extra don't get in my way!"

"You have really nice boo-"

I was bombarded with questions, the last one being cut short.

It all stopped when a taller boy with navy hair and boxy glasses quieted everyone.

"Well, hi, I'm L/n Y/n. For the first one, thank you that's really nice of you! My quirk is called angel."

A halo appeared in my hand as I prepared to demonstrate.

"I can make halos from thin air, they are really light and durable, when I throw them-" I scanned the room. I spotted a capable looking red and white haired boy.

"Here catch." I threw it at him, he barely caught it, as I threw it over our classmates heads before he could process.

"I can bring them back really easily." I held my hand out and it returned to my palm with a snap.

"They can explode or wrap around people, uh, I can only make a certain amount when I'm flying or standing. Speaking of flying there's also these." My wings unfolded their light (f/c) glow casting a shadow behind some of my peers.

I looked around noticing a boy furiously writing in a notebook. I tip toed over and peeked out from behind his shoulder.

"What'ya writing?" I asked my head tilting to the side.

The green haired boy jumped stuttering furiously a muttering under his breath. I shrugged it off and wandered around. The boy in front of him had joined a group of peculiar people.

A very pink girl with short hair and grey horns, a boy with red hair that rivaled that of the angry boy's, a taller boy with longer black hair, almost reaching his chin, and last but not least a boy sporting grey hair (that I could only assume was yellow) with a black lightning bolt.

'heh, lightning.'

I wandered over to them and tapped on the girls shoulder gaining all of their attention.

"May I ask who you guys are?"

I was met with a series of introductions and bright smiles (minus Bakugou and Kamanari, Kirishima did it for them)

"Oh well nice to meet you but can I ask your quirks?"

I was met with more answers minus Bakugou and Kamanari again.

"How about you two, you guys have been really quiet. Sorry if your uncomfortable! I'm just curious!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes before multiple explosions rang from his hands.

No body flinched except for me, they seemed pretty used to this.

I turned back to Kamanari who simply stared at the floor.

"Can we talk in the hall?" He whispered. I was confused at first before nodding and following him into the hallway.

He looked up at me and our eyes locked, his hair burst with a new color and I froze.

He gave an awkward smile as he watching my head dart around looking at all of the things I had missed.

I turned back to him engulfing him in my arms and wings.

I was glowing blue because of my excitement.

He pulled back his hands still resting on my waist. My wings pulled away too, returning to behind my back.

"I guess I have a new favorite color." He whispered.


I hummed a happy tune to myself as I unlocked my apartment. I threw my bag on the chair next to the door and hung my coat on the rack. I slipped off my shoes and wandered to the kitchen looking for a snack.

I opened the fridge pulling out a (Fav drink) and setting it on the counter. My eyes wandered the small kitchen before I remembered the new Oreos I had bought the other day after patrol.

I opened the cabinet my eyes wide with anticipation. I unfolded my wings flapping to grab them from the top shelf.

I landed back on the floor gracefully.

Two arms slid around my waist causing me to yelp then giggle. I turned around in my husband's arms to see his big yellow eyes.

"Hey babe."

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