Aizawa - Eri

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*exasperated sigh** I haven't done Aizawa in a while, this'll be interesting.

I looked it up and the teachers live in dorms, but I feel like Aizawa would stay in an apartment on weekends to take care of Eri🤷‍♀️

Aizawa made his way down the halls of UA. Eri nervously holding his hand as they walked together.

He pulled open the door of his classroom, walking in and letting Eri go to her own corner. She sat down, pulling her colouring book out of her bag.

A knock on the door was heard as another teacher entered the classroom.

"Hey sho! Sorry I couldn't meet up this morning, there was an emergency at the agency" Y/n greeted, wandering into the class room.

Eri's head perked you at the sound of the woman's voice, running over to the woman she latched onto her hero costume's pant leg, hugging her tightly.

"Eri!" She greeted, picking up the small girl.

"I see you've made a friend Eri, anyway, I need you to take the kids over to the gamma gym during homeroom, I have to drop Eri off at preschool and might be a few minutes late."

"I don't want to go to daycare though..." Eri whispered for her perch on Y/n shoulders.

"Why not?"

"I wanna stay with Miss Y/n!"

"Sounds like a plan, see you Sho bye!" Y/n called running out the door with the small child before Aizawa could protest.

"Goodbye to you too."


Aizawa flopped onto the couch of his apartment. He shut his eyes, ignoring the soreness in his legs from the multiple fights he had to stop during school hours.

He fell asleep. Unconsciously pulling a pillow closer to him.

Y/n opened the door of Aizawa's apartment, allowing a very giggly Eri to run inside. She stopped spotting her caretaker on the couch.

"Y/n, he's asleep!" She whispered, staring up at the woman with wide eyes.

"He is isn't he, well, why don't you run along and get changed while I make dinner." Y/n suggested, watching as the girl scurried off to change into her pajamas.

Y/n moved to the kitchen pulling ingredients out from the fridge. She began to prepare the vegetables, tossing in meat and the cut up veggies, watching as they cooked in the boiling water.

She strained the water pouring the steamed vegetables into bowls of rice. Eri rounded the corner, running up to Y/n.

"Eri go tell sho dinner is ready."

"Okay!" Eri nodded, padding over to the couch. She poked Aizawa's cheek, one of his eyes opened.

"Yes Eri?"

"Mommy made dinner!" Aizawa froze as he heard the word 'mommy' come from Eri's mouth. He got up, refusing to make eye contact with Y/n.

He sat down at his bar countertop, taking a bowl from Y/n's hand. She quietly sighed as the man silently ate, listening to Eri talk about her day.


Aizawa watched quietly as Eri walked back to her room Sleepily. He turned back to Y/n finally making eye contact.

"Look, I'm really sorry she said that, I know you don't think of me like that and-" Aizawa cut her off, stepping closer and slipping his arms around her waist.

She shut up, her face turning red as she waited for him to speak.

"Are you sure I don't think about you like that?" He whispered, pulling her even closer.

"Y-You do? That's good cause-" he rolled his eyes, pulling her forward, crashing his lips onto hers.

She kissed back, pulling away to cover her face. He snickered, pulling one of his arms away to push her hands away form her face.

"How about tomorrow at six, I'll have Mina keep Eri occupied."

"T-That sounds nice!" Y/n responded sheepishly, still bright red.

"Ewwww!" Eri whined, both of their heads snapped to see Eri acting disgusted.

Aizawa sighed again, pulling away.

"Really ruined the moment..." y/n whispered to herself.

"I can fix that."

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