You are my children now (oh and pt.3)

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Quick thing.... I love you and am adopting you if you don't like your parents, my Instagram is @abi_doodles_ please talk to me if you need to!!!! Love you!!!!!

Also I explain your quirk in this

In Japanese culture, when two people are married, the man takes the woman's last name if that helps with your confusion.

"You've been sleeping for three days..."

"What?!" He yelled, trying to stand up.

"Hey! Quit it!"

Bakugou sent her a glare, before finally laying back down as she sent one back.

"Why?" He huffed, crossing his arms. She giggled at his stubbornness, she walked over to the bed handing him a water.

"Thanks or whatever..." he mumbled. She smiled.

"Well, uh, the reason you cant get out of bed is because your body is actually too energetic, so if you try to use your quirk, you would probably blow up the building, that's why the air conditioning is on high." She awkwardly explained.

He snickered. She sat down on the bed, nervously ringing out her hands.

"Hey, uh, thanks for technically saving me..." she muttered. Bakugou paused, setting the water bottle down on the table next to him.

"You were actually most of the reason I didn't give up. I've gotten kidnapped so many times I just sorta feel..." he trailed off, she looked back up at him.



They exchanged glances, an awkward silence filling the room.

"I-I guess I should go or something..." Y/n muttered.

She stood up, starting to walk away before being abruptly yanked back down into Bakugou's arms.


"Thank you..." he whispered, she smiled to herself wrapping her own arms around his torso.

Both of their eyelids grew heavier as each grew more and more comfortable. Bakugou yawned loudly, as Y/n let out a small giggle.

"What the hell is your quirk anyway.."

"Oh it's:

Quirk: rewire, user can change or fix the structure of basically anything, but it takes a lot of energy, such as healing Bakugou basically made her feel like she hasn't slept in three days."

time skip to five years later

Bakugou nervously stood in front of his large amount of relatives and close friends, kirishima sent him a reassuring glance from next to him.

He glanced over at the other side, Mina, Toru, Momo and (best friend) smiling back.

Bakugou's breath hitched as the song came on.

He began partially hyper ventilating as the door opened. There she stood in all of her glory.

Y/n's long white dress flowed beautifully behind her, her light make up complimenting her nicely. Her hair (down if it's short) was pulled up nicely, with a few strands hanging down, framing her face.

She made her way towards Bakugou and the priest, standing at the end of her bridesmaid's line. He took her hands, trying his hardest to not cry.

She sniffled, smiling widely.

The priest said his shit- I mean, the priest said his lines, having the two repeat their lines and say their vows. Bakugou's nephew ran up, the ring pillow held gently in his hands.

Bakugou resisted ruffling the kids hair as he took the ring gently slipping it onto her finger.

He glanced up making teary eye contact with her.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

Bakugou quickly pulled her forward crashing their lips together eagerly.

He smiled into the kiss as the crowd stood cheering loudly.


Bakugou paced through the room quickly as the doctor checked for results.

"Katsuki calm down!"

"But what if you're not!"

"It's fine. If not, we'll try again."

He huffed, continuing to pace the room.

She laughed quietly as he jumped when the door opened.

"Well, Mr and Mrs. (L/n), you are officially pregnant!"

Bakugou excitedly gripped Y/n's hand, apologising when she hissed at him for squeezing too tightly.


Bakugou hesitantly pushed open the door of his old high school, nostalgic memories flooding in as he looked around the halls.

"Kat, they said we were meeting in the gym.


"Katsuki. It's okay, you've changed since high school."

"I guess..."

"Look. If anyone bothers you, I'll step in, got it?"

"Aren't I supposed to be protecting you?" Bakugou snickered.

She rolled her eyes, leading him towards the gym, her other hand resting gently on her growing belly.

They walked into the roaring gym, smiling and waving at people they knew.

"Y/n! Bakugou!" Mina yelled, catching their attention. Bakugou wavered watxhingn as his wife and  close friend gushed about having a child.

He winced at the thought of his old friends. Deciding to instead, go get some punch from the drink table. He stood off to the side, watching his wife talk rapidly with Tsu and Ochako.

Aizawa made his way over, nearly sending Bakugou into shock as he tapped on his shoulder.

"You okay? You seem jumpy."

"Yeah, i just don't know what to do. I'm having a KID. It's always been my dream, but... now that I'm here.. it's scary."

"That's how it was with Eri. She's in my class now, I nearly have a heart attack every time she spars with that Kota kid."

Bakugou chuckled.

"You know kid, I still remember that day I met your wife over there."

Bakugou gave him a confused look.

"She was crying and all that, but you stuck with her, cuddled with her too." Aizawa teased, Bakugou rolling his eyes.

"I also remember saying you'd be a great husband one day." Aizawa paused.

"I was right huh?"

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