Midoriya - catch you when you fall

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Quirk: Angel

Midoriya stared down at the city beneath him. The dorm building wasn't ideal, but it was high enough. He took another step towards the edge, hearing footsteps behind him.

"Deku?" Bakugou whispered.

"You and Y/n are going to be amazing heroes." Midoriya whispered back, a single tear rolling down his cheek. Bakugou took a few steps forward reaching out for his friend.

Midoriya smiled to himself.

"Tell Y/n I love her, okay?"

Midoriya leaned towards the edge, letting himself free fall as the ground cane closer and closer.

**back in time to beginning (Y/n's 3rd person)**

Y/n sighed as she walked towards the dorms. All she really wanted to do was hang out with Midoriya. She smiled at the thought of the unruly haired boy.

She looked up, hearing small shouts, she saw Bakugou and Midoriya, the latter standing dangerously close to the edge of the building. Y/n dropped her bag sprinting towards where Midoriya would fall.

"No... nononononono. Not today, no why today? I hurt my wing in practice today." She pleaded watching as Midoriya swayed closer and closer to the edge.

She watched in horror as he began his fall. She went into adrenaline mode forcing herself to leap into the sky and catch him landing back on the ground, her wing in even more pain.

She began to cry pulling Midoriya into a hug.

"Why would you do that to yourself!?" She sobbed into his chest. He stood still shock in his eyes. His arms slowly wrapped Akron's her as more and more of his tears began to fall.

Aizawa ran up. Shock written all over his face.


"Aizawa stop!" Y/n pleaded her wing growing in more and more pain.

"What is wrong with you?!" The man asked.

"Stop yelling at him!" Y/n yelled back, standing in between both men.

"He thought it was the only option." She yelled. Both men remained silent as they stared at her wing.

"Y-Y/n I'm gonna need you to stay awake for me."

"I'm sorry." She whispered as her body fell to the ground.

Midoriya ran over, removing the large bandage around her wing, revealing a rather large cut, that seemed to have torn in her quick take off.

"Oh god not her too..."

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