Bakugou - eyes

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QUIRK: Demon, user can project shadow-like creatures from her imagination into real life, they move based on eye movement, hence why her eyes have no iris or pupil. They have pitch black eyes, almost like mina's but with black irises and pupils. Almost representing a void.

Y/n stared, pitch black eyes, wide with shock and horror as she stared in the mirror. Being five and staring in the mirror at, what seemed, like yourself, but with pitch black eyes was traumatizing.

She let out a small scream of terror as her parents burst through the door.

"Honey! What's wrong?" Her father yelled crouching down in front of the sobbing girl.

Hey eyes cracked open, causing her father to flinch.

"I'll be right back Y/n." He spoke harshly. He walked toward the kitchen where her mother was making dinner.

"Was she okay?"

"She got your brother's quirk."

Both adults paused realizing what they had to do.

Y/n's mother scoffed.

"Of course she did, and she'll only be just as much of a disappointment if we don't get rid of her, someone else will be unfortunate enough to adopt her."

And that person just so happened to be Shouta Aizawa, homeroom teacher of class 1-a.

Y/n shakily stared up at the school her pop taught at. She could never truly bring herself to call him dad, because she knew he cared much more for her than her 'dad' ever did.

Shouta's hand gently came to rest on her back nudging her towards the door. She glanced back at him, before walking through the doors of the school and towards her new classroom.

She had not gotten into U.A. on recommendations, despite popular guess, she had gone through the entrance exam like everyone else and passed with flying colors.

The only thing that distracted her during the entrance exam is a certain blonde, that just couldn't seem to get out of her way. She eventually had to use a creature to pick him up and set him on top of a building so she could defeat a robot.

Y/n gently pushed open the door to class 1-a, her father close behind, he slunked over to his desk, sitting down as he waited for the class to calm down.

Y/n always teased Shouta about finding someone that he could love, but they were content as a family with their four cats. Mika, Cotton, Sakura, and Hina.

As Y/n, sat down at her desk she watched the other students file into the class.

"Oi! You're that damn girl from the entrance exam!" A voice called, Y/n's head snapped up to stare in shock at, who she would soon know as, Bakugou.

He jabbed a finger in her chest and opened his mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Shouta's scarf.

"Bakugou, get your hands off of my daughter." Bakugou grumbled to himself, sending one last harsh glare at her before walking back to his desk.

"Bakugou, detention after class, don't harass the other students, second, it took eight second for all of you to shut up, that's not gonna work."


Y/n stared at Bakugou as he and Uraraka fought. She was captivated, by how hard he fought, just for the title of number one.

Eventually Bakugou moved forward, and soon, it was time for him and Y/n to fight.

It was the final round of the sports festival and Bakugou couldn't help but be extra sweaty. He had seen Y/n fight most of his other classmates, easily taking down each and every one of them. Including Todoroki.

Bakugou stepped into the arena, his vision tunneling as he saw Y/n.

"This is it..."


Bakugou fought back against the restraints as All might put the medal over his head.

"IT WASN'T A DAMN TRUE FIGHT! SHE COULDN'T THINK OF ANY MORE MONSTERS!" He yelled at All might, as cameras flashed.

Y/n stared at him in shock. He really did want number one, but only if he could get there fairly.

She reached over gently brushing his arm, he froze, his head snapping down as a small shadow of a cat crawled up his arm and rested on his shoulder, purring quietly. He calmed, slightly, noticing Y/n smile out of the corner of his eye.


Y/n walked through the halls, towards the exit of the building, she had been in the locker rooms late, trying to rejuvenate and think of new ideas for monsters.

She froze as her name was called, and she turned in confusion, freezing as she saw two people approach her.

"Y/n! Honey, It's so nice to see you!" The man spoke, reaching to hug her. She pulled away quickly.

"W-What are you doing here?" She asked, trying to sound brave.

"We came to take you home! Where you belong!" Y/n's birth mother cheered, emphasizing 'belong'.

"No, nononononononono, papa... PAPA!" She yelled running through the hall as her 'dad' started to chase her.

She ran into a hard chest immediately sobbing into it.

"What the-" Bakugou paused as he saw the tears rolling down Y/ns cheeks, He looked up to see Y/n's father turn the corner, his head swishing around to find Y/n.

"Ah! Y/n, there you are, we were just about to take her home young man, thank you."

"Oi, bastard, who the hell are you."

"Why I'm her father!"

"No you're fucking not, my homeroom teacher is her father, I've never seen you a damn day in my life and I see the other hag at least eight times a week, back off before I blow you to smitherines."

Bakugou's eyes narrowed as the man, clenched his teeth, taking a threatening step backwards.

"Ah, (Your dads name), come back for what isn't yours I see." A voice called, Shouta stepped out of the teachers lounge, All might, Present Mic, Midnight, Vlad king, and Nezu, close behind.

"You have no right being here for my daughter, now get out before we make you."

Y/n's 'dad' scoffed, taking a challenging step forward.

Bakugou sighed, an arm wrapping around Y/n as his hand lifted, palm facing her 'dad'.

"One more step and I fulfill my promise." The blonde hissed.

Y/n's 'dad' rolled his eyes.

"What are you going to do kid? Hit me?"

"No, but he will." Bakugou's explosion sounded through the hallway, as Aizawa's scarf wrapped around y/n's 'dad', holding him in place as he coughed up the smoke of Bakugou's quirk.

"See you in hell." bakugou hissed one last time before pulling you into the teacher's lounge as the teachers dealt with the man.

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