Drunken Mistake Pt19 (Ian x Reader)

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 I sat on Mari's couch while she made us coffees, the twins napping in the bedroom in their playpen. I was still so angry and upset that Ian had chosen his damn reputation and image over me and his kids, and Anthony had the balls to defend it. I sighed sadly, this wasn't anything new in my relationship with the guys though, all of our friendship, I've done whatever they wanted, it was like neither one gave a damn about me or what I wanted. It hurt that Anthony was like that, but it hurt worse that Ian did because I was so in love with that oblivious jerk. I felt like a child the way I had stormed out on them like I did, but that had been the last straw, I couldn't take it anymore. Suddenly, I heard someone knock on Mari's door, she came out of the kitchen, I looked at her and shook my head no, before I quickly went to hide in the bathroom. Sighing, she opened the door to find Ian standing there alone, he looked like he was on the verge of tears.

 "Hey, Ian."

 "Hey, Mari, have...have you seen or spoken to (Y/N)?" Ian asked hopefully, as he played with his keys.

 "Uh, no, why is everything okay?" She lied feeling bad for it seeing Ian's face fall hearing that.

 "No, she got into a fight with Anthony and me and stormed out. She won't return any of our calls or texts and we're checking with everyone to see if anyone knows where she is." Ian explained sadly.

 "You guys fought?"

 "Yeah." Ian replied sighing. "Amanda wrote an article about Smosh and she...outed me as the twin's father in it; her way of getting back at me, I guess. Anyway, (Y/N/N) wanted to finally come clean to the fans, but I...I panicked and told her no. Anthony tried to help, but it turned into a huge fight with her leaving, we tried calling and texting her, but she ignored us. We went to the house to see if she was there, but her and the twins are gone."

 "Are you okay?" Mari asked gently.

 "I will be once I know (Y/N) and the twins are. Look, if you see or hear from her could you please ask her to call me?"

 "Of course." She answered smiling sadly.

 "Thanks, Mari, I...I just need to know they're okay." He added sadly, before he hugged her.

 He left and I came out of the bathroom, I sat on the couch, I had heard everything that they had said, she sat beside me and took my hand.

 "(Y/N/N), he's worried about you, I have never seen him like that before. You need to at least text him and let him know that you're okay."

 "I know, you're right." I said sighing, feeling horrible for making them worry. "Thanks, Mari." I added, before I hugged her.

 She got up and went back to the kitchen, I sighed again, as I took my phone out of my pocket and texted him.

 M- I'm still mad at you and Anthony, but I just wanted to let you know that the babies and I are safe and we're staying with friends for a few days.

 I- Please, tell me where you are? We...I need to talk to you about what happened.

 M- There's nothing to talk about, Ian.

 I- Yes, there is, you didn't give us a chance to explain our sides.

 M- Your sides? See, this is exactly what I'm talking about, Ian! What about my damn side for once, huh?

 I- What does that mean?

 M- It doesn't mean a damn thing, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to let you know that the babies and I are safe.

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