Living In The Past Pt4 (Ianthony)/(Shaymien)

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 Ian sat on the couch, drinking another glass of wine. He sighed, as he looked at the clock; 11:30 at night, he sighed again as he looked at the now cold dinner he had made to surprise his boyfriend Anthony with. Anthony had called him from work, four hours ago to let him know that he'd be home soon; he just had to drive Shayne home first. Ian had spent all afternoon cooking and setting everything up so it would be perfect for Anthony; Ian was so excited to do this. As time passed by though, without any sign of Anthony or a phone call from him, Ian knew once again that thanks to Shayne, his perfect, romantic night with his boyfriend was ruined. He finished his wine and got up, he began to clean up, and as he did he thought about his life and how everything's changed now that Shayne was back.

 He had thought that once they moved Shayne into his own place that their lives would return to normal, but he was so wrong. Now, Anthony spent most of his time at Shayne's place hanging out or doing odd things around his apartment for him, leaving Ian to wait to spend time with his boyfriend whenever he could, for however long he could; most times it was only for a few minutes and Ian was reaching his limit. He finished cleaning up and headed upstairs to their bedroom, he changed and got into bed. Once comfortable he picked up his laptop off of the nightstand and began to finish some paperwork he had to do for work. As he worked, he heard Anthony come home, he came upstairs and into the room, Ian looked at him and noticed how tired Anthony looked.

 "Hey, baby boy." Anthony greeted him, as he dropped his bag on the floor by the door and took off his shoes.

 "Hey, babe. You look exhausted, long day at work?" Ian asked, as Anthony dropped onto his side of the bed face first and groaned.

 "Oh, yeah, five new customers and Trevor is out with a broken freaking leg, so I had to teach his three classes today, on top of mine, and do all the damn paperwork and supply orders." Anthony answered, his eyes closed.

 "Why didn't you get Shayne to help?" Ian asked, getting angry that after all Anthony's done for Shayne, he couldn't help him out at work.

 "I did, he was covering Lisa's classes while she's out with the flu and he was working the front desk for me." Anthony answered sighing.

 "Oh." Ian replied. "What happened to you coming home right after work?" He asked smiling.

 "Sorry, baby boy, but Shayne needed help finishing the paint job on his apartment. After we finished he ordered us dinner and then I came home. You're mad aren't you?" Anthony asked, as he propped himself up on his elbows and looked at Ian apologetically.

 "No, Anthony, I'm not mad...I' am disappointed though." Ian answered truthfully, he knew Anthony felt bad enough, there was no need to make him feel worse by telling him about the dinner he missed and how neglected he was feeling.

 "I'm sorry, Ian, let me make it up to you?" Anthony said, feeling like a shitty boyfriend. "You go get the wine and I'll run us a bubble bath, sound good?"

 "Well, it's a start." Ian teased smiling, before he kissed Anthony. "I'll be right back."

 Ian put his laptop on the nightstand and got out of bed, he left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. After grabbing the wine and two glasses he returned to the bedroom smiling, as he came into the room he spoke.

 "Maybe after we could..." Ian began, but trailed off, as he saw that Anthony had fallen asleep.

 Ian sighed, as he put the wine and glasses on the dresser, before he went to the bed and gently covered Anthony up and kissed his forehead. He turned off the light and got into bed, rolling onto his side, wishing things could go back to the way they were before Shayne came back and ruined everything.

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