Saving Her Pt9 (Shartney)

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 Shayne walked through the park slowly, as he watched happy couples pass him by holding hands, talking, and laughing, and it made his heart ache. He stopped walking and sat on a bench sighing, as he quickly wiped a tear that fell away, he then began thinking about how he'll never be able to live a happy life like all those happy couples with Courtney, Ian, and Damien. It's been two weeks now since they spoke to Courtney and all three of them were scared that they had lost her for good. Shayne sighed shakily, as he got up and began slowly walking to Ian's house to meet up with both of his brothers, none of them wanting to be alone.

**Three Days Later**:

 Courtney finished running Fox's bath for him like she did every day after work, as she turned to leave the bathroom she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her tears fell silently, as she stared at the broken woman she had become. She had come to terms with the fact that he'd never escape Fox and stopped fighting it, letting him have complete control over her. She still loved Shayne and longed to be with her brothers again, but knew that would only happen in her dreams now. She wiped her tears away and returned to the bedroom, just as Fox came in. He was angry about something that happened at work and she knew she was going to feel all of it. Seeing her, Fox went to her and grabbed Courtney, shaking her, as he yelled, before he hit her hard, sending her to the floor where the attack continued.

 After Fox was done, he realized that he had hurt her more than he had wanted to. He quickly changed, hiding his clothes, before he called 911; telling them he had just returned from work and found Courtney lying on their bedroom floor unconscious, she had been attacked. Hearing the commotion, Connor rushed into the room and panicked seeing her. Fox warned Connor that he had better go along with his lies or he'll have him killed, so scared he agreed. When the Police and ambulance arrived, Fox lied and told them that he had returned home from work and found Courtney like that; making sure to play the concerned, upset boyfriend, he told them that Connor had been at work with him. He then told them that they had seen a man running down the street away from his house when he had pulled into their driveway. Neither man had thought anything of it, until they found Courtney on the floor. Fox went with her to the hospital; Connor went to his room and called the guys, telling them about Courtney and the lies.

 Scared, the three guys rushed to the hospital and when they arrived they rushed inside to the front desk. They asked about Courtney, saying they were her brothers. They were given her room number and raced to it, once there they saw her Doctor leaving her room and stopped him.

 "Excuse us, are you Courtney Miller's Doctor?" Damien asked, as they walked up to him.

 "I' am, I'm Doctor Grant, who are you?"

 "We're her brothers, I'm Shayne Topp and this is Ian Hecox and Damien Haas. is she?"

 "Well, whoever attacked Miss. Miller wanted to hurt her and they succeeded I'm afraid. She has bruises and cuts all over her face and body; the cuts on her face needed stitches, so in total, she has about 40. Her left cheekbone is broken; causing her eye to swell shut. Her nose and three ribs are broken, her shoulder is dislocated and she has a concussion from the impact of her head being hit off of something during the attack. Thankfully, there's no internal trauma, the attacker focused mainly on her head."

 "Who...who did this?" Shayne asked, wiping away his tears, as he held a crying Ian and Damien close.

 "Well, her boyfriend, Mr. Carter, told the Police that someone broke into the house and attacked Miss. Miller. It was backed up by a Mr. Fields." Doctor Grant answered, as he checked his file.

 "Can we see her?" Damien asked quietly.

 "Of course, she'll be staying overnight for observations. She's resting now, so you can see her for a few minutes." Doctor Grant said, before he walked away.

 They went into the quiet room, and felt their hearts break as they looked at Courtney's bruised and battered body, lying in the bed. They went to her and gently took her hands, this was a bitter-sweet moment for them; being close to Courtney again felt awesome, but it was because she was hurt and that killed them. Shayne kissed Courtney's lips gently, careful not to hurt her, while Ian and Damien kissed her head. Shayne told her they were with her and they loved her, as he gently brushed her hair off of her forehead. All three knew Fox had done this, but they couldn't prove it. They knew they couldn't let Courtney go home with him, the next time he could kill their sister.

 "I should have known you three would show up here." Fox spoke from behind them. "Connor called you, didn't he?"

 "You son-of-a-bitch, look at her, you bastard, you almost killed her!" Ian yelled angrily, as they turned to look at Fox.

 "I'm going to rip you apart, Carter! I'm going to make you feel the same pain Courtney did! When we're done with you, you'll beg us to kill you!" Shayne threatened angrily.

 "You're a dead man, Carter, that was the last damn time you ever put your disgusting hands on her, dammit!" Damien said angrily.

 "Is everything alright in here, Mr. Carter?" A Nurse asked concerned, coming into the room after hearing the commotion.

 "Everything's fine, thank you, they were just leaving." Fox answered smirking smugly.

 "Like hell we are!" Shayne refused angrily.

 "We aren't leaving you alone with Courtney!" Ian added.

 "You're never being alone with her ever again, you bastard!" Damien agreed.

 "Would you like me to call security, Mr. Carter?" The Nurse asked.

 "No, I think they'll leave without any problems." Fox stated, as he walked past Damien, purposely bumping into him as he did. "I'd like you to leave so my poor Courty can rest. She's been through enough tonight, dammit." Fox added, as he stood by Courtney holding her hand.

 "This isn't over, Carter." Shayne warned, as angrily they left the room.

 They knew they had to do something to get her away from him, before he killed her. They decided to talk to Doctor Grant, hoping they could convince him of the abuse and he could stop that son-of-a-bitch, Carter, from leaving with Courtney. They refused to lose her and they would do whatever it took to save her.


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