Let It Snow Pt2 (Shartney)

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 Courtney stood outside in the cold, snowy night nervously staring at Shayne. He was completely oblivious to her watching him, he hadn't even heard her come outside.

 Courtney wasn't afraid of anyone or anything, but as she stood silently watching, as Shayne lay on his back in the snow, staring up at the night sky, she was afraid. After months of constant fighting with Shayne, Courtney was about to do the one thing she should have done from the beginning and tell him that she loved him. She had been running and hiding from her love for too long, it was the reason she had been fighting with him. She knew he would never feel the same about her, so to protect herself she pushed him away, fighting with him. Then three days ago, their best friends/co-workers; who were tired of their fighting and tired of being stuck in the middle, set up a week-long vacation at a friend of Ian's cabin in the woods. At first, when Damien had told them about it neither of them had wanted to go, but after Damien had told them how they felt they both agreed. The night they were leaving, Ian had called and told them he had work stuff to do before he could leave, so the others agreed to help him. They also decided that Shayne and Courtney would go ahead of them and so, after getting the keys and directions from Ian, they left without them, they were going to join them there the next afternoon. Their plans changed though, when because of heavy snow it was now three days later and they still haven't arrived. Shayne and Courtney had spent the last three, tense days avoiding each other as much as possible, only speaking to the other if necessary. Until tonight, when something snapped in Courtney and she needed to tell Shayne about her love, no matter what happened after. Courtney took a deep breath, before she walked closer to him and spoke.

 "Shayne, can...can we talk?" She asked quietly, Shayne leaned his head back, so he was looking at her upside down and smiling answered.

 "Sure, Court."

 "Thanks." She replied smiling, as she lay down beside him in the snow.

 Shayne lay beside Courtney in silence, trying and failing to get his courage up to finally tell her that he loved her. Things between them had changed six months ago when he realized he was in love with her. To protect himself; knowing Courtney wouldn't feel the same about him, Shayne pushed her away, fighting with her. Then tonight, for some reason he knew he couldn't run from it anymore, and now...now being so close to her, he knew it was time. Both of them turned to look at each other and at the same time spoke.

 "I need to tell you something." They said together, before they both laughed.

 "Why don't we go inside where it's warm and talk?" Shayne suggested.

 "Agreed." Courtney replied smiling, as they stood and made their way inside.

 10 minutes later, Shayne was fixing the fire, while Courtney got them some hot chocolate. When she returned to the living room she saw Shayne sitting in front of the fireplace, staring into the flames and her breath got caught in her chest. Shayne looked so perfect in that moment. She sighed nervously, before she went to him and smiling handed him his cup, as she sat on the floor beside him. After more silence, they both put their cups on the table, before watching the flames again, Shayne spoke quietly.

 "Courtney, I...I need to tell you something. You know I'm not good with feelings and emotions, so bear with me okay?" He began quietly, as he stared into the fire, Courtney stared at him as she nodded. "All my life I've kept my heart guarded, after being hurt, by people who claimed they loved me. Being in love honestly, scares me. I...I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm scared I'm going to screw it up like I always do." He explained, as he kept his eyes on the fire, but she could see Shayne's unshed tears shining in the fire's soft light and her heart ached.

 "Shayne." Courtney said gently, as she put a hand on his arm, he turned to look at her and closed his eyes tight.

 "Courtney, I..." Shayne began, but was cut off by her kissing him.

 She pulled away after a few seconds and smiling touched his cheek gently as she spoke.

 "Shayne, you don't need to be scared. I love you too and I promise you I will never hurt you. You're my past, present and future...my everything. If you'll let me I can show you how you deserve to be loved?" Courtney asked, tears in her eyes too, as she stared into Shayne's scared blue eyes. "I love you, Shayne."

 Instead of answering, Shayne kissed Courtney again, both put every ounce of love and want into the kiss. The kiss grew more passionate, as they undressed each other and by the fire's soft light they made love. Afterward, they lay together under a blanket in front of the fire, Shayne was still scared shitless, but this time when Courtney promised she'd never hurt him, for the first time in his life, Shayne believed those words. Maybe this time it was his turn to have a happily ever after?


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