Drunken Mistake Pt17 (Ian X Reader)

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 I walked down the quiet street, pushing the twins in their stroller, while Daisy walked along beside us on her leash. It was early evening and I needed to clear my head before Ian got home from work; he had texted me an hour ago asking if I was home because he needed to talk to me. Reading that freaked me out, I was scared that he was tired of the fighting and was going to ask me to leave. So, instead of suffering at home, I decided to go for a walk, I had been out for a half-hour now and decided to head back home. On my way home, I ran into our new neighbor who had just moved in that morning; three houses up from ours, throwing out his boxes. He saw me too and smiled, as I got closer, I stopped on the sidewalk and smiled.

 "Hi." He greeted me.

 "Hi, you just moved in today, right?" I said smiling, Daisy began to growl quietly, confused, I shushed her. "I'm sorry, Daisy normally isn't like this."

 "It's okay, and yeah, you live three houses down, right?" He answered.

 We talked for a few minutes, his name was Conner Jones, and he had come to LA to start a new job as a screenwriter. He seemed really nice and it was a nice distraction from my problems with Ian. 10 minutes later, Ian came home, he parked his car and got out; he had seen us when he pulled in. Seeing me with another guy made him angry, he wasn't usually a jealous person, but he couldn't help it. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to us, he happily greeted Daisy who was going crazy seeing him, he then said hello to the twins who were also happy to see him. As he talked to the twins, I noticed Conner's smile fade a little hearing Ian call himself 'daddy' to the twins, but quickly hid it when Ian looked at him.

 "Hey, I'm Ian Hecox."

 "Hi, I'm Conner Jones." Conner greeted him, as they shook hands.

 "Welcome to the neighborhood, you'll like it here, it's pretty quiet." Ian said faking his smile.

 "I'm sure I will." Conner replied smiling at me.

 "It was nice to meet you, but I need to talk to (Y/N/N) about something important, sorry."

 "No problem, I have a lot of unpacking to do anyway. Nice meeting all of you."

 We waved goodbye and began walking back home, I noticed that Ian for some reason was walking really close to me, closer than usual; I had no idea why, but I was enjoying it. When we got inside, he helped me get the twins settled in their swings, before we sat together on the couch, I was so damn nervous.

 "So, how was work?" I asked quietly.

 "Exhausting, like usual, but it was okay." Ian replied sighing, as he leaned back against the couch. "How was your day with the twins?"

 "It was good; I had a hard time getting Jacob down for his nap, but I wrapped him up in one of your shirts that smelled like you and he settled right down." I answered smiling. "Isabella actually ate all her lunch finally."

 "Good, I was beginning to get a little worried about her eating. And I guess my boy was just missing his daddy." Ian said smiling, as he looked over at the sleeping twins.

 "Yeah." I replied smiling sadly, this was the longest we've spoken in days and I didn't want to wreck it.

 "Okay, so I need to talk to you about something...actually, I need to ask you something, and I'm not sure how you'll react to it." Ian said worried.

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