Opposites Attract Pt7 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien sat at the table in the back of the coffee shop beside a window and slowly drank his coffee, as he watched people pass by outside. He sighed, as he brought his cup to his lips, but froze as he suddenly saw a man with brown hair, wearing jeans and a t-shirt walking towards him outside. He couldn't see his face yet, there were too many people in the way, but his heart beat fast, he was about to go talk to him, but stopped as the man came into view and his heart broke realizing he wasn't who he thought he was. He took out his phone and sadly began looking at the many pictures on it of himself, Shayne, and Damien. It's been five months now since Ian left, he's had no contact at all with him of any kind, leaving Damien heartbroken; at least, he was able to know how Ian was through Shayne. He pulled himself out of his thoughts and decided to go back to work; he stood putting his phone back into his pocket as he grabbed his now cold coffee and walked to the door throwing his cup out. He hated being alone at the house since Ian left, the silence was deafening.

**With Ian**:

 Ian lay on the couch in the small, rundown motel room he was now living in, he was completely miserable and it was all that little shit Haas' fault! Ian missed him like crazy and felt like shit for leaving like he did, but honestly, he believed it was for the best; he refused to hurt Damien. He was an idiot for letting Damien fall for him...for letting himself fall for Damien; after vowing years ago to never let anyone into his heart again, having it broken too many times before. No matter how hard he tried or what he did, he couldn't stop his heart from wanting Damien. Ian though couldn't see what Shayne does in him and continued running from his feelings for Damien. Sighing, he rubbed his hands over his face, as he cursed out loud, trying to forget about Damien and how he had fallen hard for him.

**Days Later**:

 Days passed, and Shayne watched helplessly, as both of his brothers hurt. He hated it knowing that they deserved to be loved and that they had found their soul mate in each other, but both were afraid of what they felt. He refused to give up on them though, he believed in love and knew that they could have the kind of love you only see in movies, the kind of love that would last forever, if they only let themselves. He knew that Ian would never go after Damien, so he decided to talk to Damien and convince him to go after Ian. He knew it wouldn't be any easier trying to convince Damien to do it, but he also knew he didn't have the shitty past Ian did and would be more open to love. He pulled into Damien's driveway after work, it was Friday night, and he knew Ian was still at the garage alone working on an important customer's car and he'd probably be there most of the night. He got out of his car and went to the front door; he took a deep breath, before he went inside calling out to Damien as he did.

 "Damien, it's me!"

 "Hey, Shayne, I'm in the kitchen!" Damien called back.

 "What are you doing?" Shayne asked smiling, as he came into the kitchen and found Damien standing in front of his empty cupboards, their contents all over the counter.

 "This?" Damien asked smiling, pointing to the stuff, Shayne nodded. "I'm just organizing my cupboards, wanna help?"

 "Uh, as much fun as that sounds...I'm going to pass." Shayne answered, as he sat down. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something."

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