Contract Love (Shaymien)

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 Shayne Topp lay on his stomach on the roof of a hotel, his large gun; complete with silencer, sat on the ledge in front of him aimed at a single window of the building directly across the street from the hotel. Humming a song softly to himself, he looked through the scope of his gun, finger on the trigger, as he waited patiently for his target to come into view. He quickly looked at his watch and smiled realizing it was showtime, he looked back through his scope and right on schedule, his target; a short, middle-aged, balding man wearing glasses came into the room alone, talking on his phone. Still humming to himself he waited until he had the perfect shot, before he pulled the trigger. As soon as the bullet hit his target he got up and quickly checked to make sure he had left nothing behind, before he walked towards the roof door. Once he was back inside, he put his gun back into his bag, fixed his disguise, and casually took the stairs all the way to the lobby.

 Arriving at the busy lobby, he quickly managed to blend in with the other guests. He made his way outside and walked away from the hotel undetected, he then walked three blocks to where he had parked his car. At his car, he went to the trunk and unlocked it, once it was open he pushed a button on his keychain, and seconds later a compartment hidden in the trunk opened. He then took off his disguise and put it and his bag inside, before he closed it and shut the trunk. Humming to himself again, he got into his car and was about to start it when his phone began ringing, he took it out of his pocket and answered it already knowing it was his best friend/brother, partner in crime, and roommate Ian Hecox.

 "Hey, Ian."

 "Hey, Shayne-O, just checking in, dude."

 "My target's dead, what about yours, man?"

 "Dead." Ian answered.

 "Alright, go ahead and call the client with the confirmation."

 "I'm on it, let's get paid, partner." Ian said, as they both laughed, before they hung up.

 After hanging up, Shayne put his phone back in his pocket and started his car, before he pulled onto the road and began driving. As he drove home he thought about his life and how he wished he could just live a nice, quiet, normal one.

 Shayne's life has been anything, but normal; even from an early age, it all started with his alcoholic, neglectful parents. He lived through Hell with them, his life didn't get any better when his father was arrested and sent to jail for life after he tried killing a Police Officer in a drug bust when Shayne was 10. As soon as he was 15 he ran away from home and never looked back. He lived on the street, doing whatever he had to do to survive, he had no family or friends, he didn't let anyone into his heart and he was okay with that. When he was 18 he got arrested for the first time and in jail, he didn't give a shit; he was afraid of nothing and no one, but he didn't go looking for trouble either. While he was there he met Ian; who was a little older than him, and at first, neither man liked the other, but after Ian helped Shayne in a fight in the prison yard they quickly became friends.

 Both men got out of jail a day apart; first Shayne, then Ian, they decided to stick together and eventually became like brothers. Over time they continued to do what they needed to do to stay alive, until one day they overheard a guy looking for someone to kill his business partner. Needing money, they took the job; it would be the first time either of them had ever killed someone, after it had been successful, they both realized how good they were at it and the money was damn good. They continued killing people for money and got better and smarter as time went on. Soon their reputation grew and they became the two best hitmen in the business. They've never been caught or even suspected of the killings and neither have the people who hire them.

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