Opposites Attract Pt4 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien stood at the pool table, in the middle of the crowded bar, as he waited for Ian to return from getting them new beers. As he waited, he thought about his life with the crazy and unpredictable Mr. Hecox. After what happened earlier Damien was nervous to have Ian so close to him, so he had been successfully stalling for the last 10 minutes. He watched Ian talk to the bartender and knew he couldn't stall any longer. Seconds later, a smiling Ian returned with their beers, he gave one to Damien, before he took a drink of his own and spoke, as he set his beer down.

 "Alright, Dames, you ready for your first pool lesson?"

 "Uh, yeah." Damien answered, as Ian set up the balls.

 "Okay, I'll break, then it's your shot." Ian said, as he took his pool cue from Damien.

 "Break what?" Damien asked confused.

 "Never mind, just watch me." Ian said, as he laughed.

 Damien watched Ian's every move, he couldn't take his eyes off of Ian's butt and felt his body starting to react. When Ian looked up at him smirking and winked, as he took his shot Damien felt like he was going to explode.

 "Your turn, Haas." Ian said smiling.

 "Right, okay." Damien said, as he put his beer down and went to the table bending over holding his cue, trying to copy exactly what Ian had done. "Am I holding it right?"

 "Not even close, Haas." Ian answered laughing, as he shook his head.

 "Oh." Damien said feeling slightly embarrassed, as he stood up.

 "Let me show you." Ian said smiling, as he put his cue down and walked behind Damien.

 Damien held his breath, tensing up as Ian stood directly behind him, leaving no space between them. Ian then gently guided Damien's hands to their proper position on the cue; once in position, he kept his hands on Damien's. He then used his own body to guide Damien into position too; which ended up with him bent over in front of Ian, their bodies were so close. Ian spoke his face beside Damien's ear, Damien closed his eyes, breathing in Ian's incredible scent.

 "You ready to take your shot?"

 "I...I guess." Damien answered, not wanting Ian to let him go.

 "See that blue ball near the left corner pocket at the top of the table? That's the one we're aiming for, got it?" Ian instructed, Damien nodded biting his lip, trying to focus on the game and not Ian. "Okay, on the count of three, one...two...three!" Ian said, moving his hands guiding Damien's, as they took the shot.

 "I did it!" Damien said smiling, as they stood.

 "Not bad, Dames. Now, watch and learn." Ian said smiling, as he let Damien go and moved to make his next shot.

 A couple of hours later, they were ready to go home, they left the bar and headed to Damien's car, when Ian realized he had left his jacket inside. Damien waited by his car, while Ian went back inside, as he waited he was approached by another man.

 "Hey there, cutie." The guy greeted him smiling.

 "Uh, hi." Damien replied, not interested.

 "Why don't you dump the loser, and hang out with me? I can show you a much better time." The guy said, as he rubbed Damien's arm.

 "First off, Ian isn't a loser! Secondly, I'm not interested so get lost!" Damien answered disgusted, as he turned to get into the car.

 "I like it when they play hard to get." The guy said, as he grabbed him and pulled him closer to him, as Damien fought to get free.

 "Then you're going to love me, asshole!" Ian's angry voice spoke from them.

 "Get lost, can't you see we're busy?"

 "I have a better idea!" Ian said smiling, as he grabbed the guy and turned him around, before he punched him hard in the face.

 Damien backed up and watched as Ian fought the asshole, he had never been in a fight before, or saw one and was worried that Ian would get hurt. It quickly became obvious that Ian was stronger and a better fighter than the asshole. Damien couldn't take his eyes off of Ian, watching him fight was incredibly hot, the way his muscles moved...everything about it was just hot! Soon the fight was over, the guy took off, Ian turned to Damien smiling.

 "You're bleeding!" Damien said concerned, as he looked at his wounds; a bloody nose, split lip, bruised knuckles and he'd have a black right eye by morning. "You got hurt because of me, thank you, Ian, for getting rid of that asshole."

 "I'll be fine, Damien, nothing I haven't had before." Ian said smiling, touched by Damien's concern. "Let's go home."

 Damien drove them home, once inside he thanked Ian again for what he did for him and offered to help clean him up as repayment. At first, Ian refused, but Damien wouldn't take no for an answer and took his hand, dragging a smiling Ian to the bathroom. Once there he instructed Ian to sit in front of him on the toilet, he then wet a cloth, before he turned back to Ian and began to gently clean him up. The entire time, Damien avoided eye contact with him, trying to keep his body from reacting to being so close to Ian again. He knew Ian was staring at him, he could feel his eyes on him, as he finished wiping all the blood off of his face, Ian grabbed his wrist gently stopping him. As he held Damien's wrist, he stood up in front of him, this time he looked at Ian nervously. Before Damien could register what was happening, Ian put a hand on Damien's cheek, as he leaned towards him slowly; painfully slow, never breaking eye contact with Damien as he did. Seconds later, Ian's lips were on his, Ian took control of the kiss and Damien let him; the kiss was everything and more than Damien had imagined kissing Ian would be like. He wrapped his arms around Ian's neck, pulling him closer as they continued kissing, until suddenly, Ian pulled away, confused thinking he had done something wrong Damien spoke.

 "Ian, did...did I do something wrong?" Damien asked quietly.

 "No, Damien, I did!" Ian answered, as he backed away from him.

 "What?" Damien asked confused.

 "I...I can't, I'm so sorry, Damien." Ian said, before he quickly left the room.

 Damien watched him leave in silence, he touched his lips, he could still feel Ian's lips on his own. He was so confused by Ian's reaction, they both were into the kiss...or so he had thought, so why did Ian pull away? He needed to talk to someone about this and the only one he knew of that would be able to help was Shayne. He left the bathroom and went into his room, shutting the door behind him, he knew after having a taste of Ian, there was no way he could give him up and he'd do whatever it took to be with Ian.


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