The Bet Pt8 (Ian/Damien)

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 Ian paced the hotel room he shared with Damien, as he paced he thought about what happened a couple of hours ago, things had been going so great between the four of them, until everything fell apart! He felt like the biggest asshole in the world for what happened, him and Shayne never should have played with their hearts and now that Damien and Courtney hated them, they had no one to blame, but themselves. He sat down on the couch and leaned back, as he thought about the stupid bet he had made with Shayne and how because of it the lives of all four of them are changed forever! After leaving Shayne, Ian had walked around, he was heartbroken and didn't know what to do, a while later, he returned to the hotel and realized that Damien had moved his stuff out and was probably now sharing a room with Courtney. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, he got up and answered it to find Shayne standing there with his bags.

 "Uh, hey, man." Shayne greeted him quietly. "Courtney kicked me out and moved Damien in."

 "Come in." Ian said sighing, as he moved so Shayne could go inside, before he shut the door.

 "Thanks." Shayne replied, as he put his bags down and sat on the couch. "Did Damien, uh, say anything to you?"

 "Nope, he was moved out before I got back." Ian answered sighing, as he sat beside him. "Did you talk to Courtney?"

 "Uh, no." Shayne answered sadly. "When I got back to the hotel room my bags were outside the door with a note that told me to go to Hell and room with you."

 "Dammit, Shayne, we really screwed up!" Ian said upset, as he stood and began pacing. "What the hell were we thinking agreeing to that damn bet?"

 "We weren't, that's the problem!" Shayne replied sadly. "They couldn't hate us more than we do for what happened."

 "The first person my stupid, selfish ass falls in love with and I do this to him!"

 "I love Courtney and because of what we did she doesn't believe it!" Shayne added, tears in his eyes, as he leaned back against the couch. "I...I can't lose her, Ian, not like this!"

 Ian sighed, as he sat beside him and they hugged, neither spoke, not knowing what to say.

**The Next Day**:

 Shayne sighed, he was exhausted, he didn't sleep well the night before, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened and every time he closed his eyes, he saw the heartbroken looks on Courtney and Damien's faces. Last night, after he had shown up at Ian's room, they had talked most of the night and cried together knowing that they had ruined the best thing that ever happened to them! Early this morning, Courtney had texted him to tell them that she and Damien were going back to work today and had booked a flight on a different airline. He felt like such an asshole and the guilt of what they had done tore him apart. He got up off of the couch and went out onto the balcony, while Ian was in the shower; he had already showered and changed. He sat down on the chair and sighing shakily he thought about what happened.

 His thoughts were interrupted by Ian's angry voice coming from the main part of the room, he sounded like he was on the phone. He got up and went back inside to find Ian pacing the room, as he spoke to someone on the phone; he could only hear Ian's side of the conversation, but whoever he was talking to was yelling at him!

 "Dammit, we know that...look, it's none of your damn business!" Ian said angrily. "I understand that, but it's still not your...hello? Did...did she hang up? She did, she fucking hung up on me, that bitch!" He added angrily, as he hung up too and put his phone in his pocket.

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