Love Hurts Pt9 (Shaymien)

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 Damien sat on the couch alone in the living room of Shayne's house. Shayne was in the shower, while Ian was still at work talking to Fields. Damien bit his nails, as he bounced his leg up and down nervously. He was nervous to be alone with Shayne, unsure what would happen. This would be the first time since their date that they were alone together. His thoughts were interrupted by Shayne coming back into the main part of the room, he smiled as he sat beside Damien.

 "You ready to eat and watch a movie, D?"

 "Uh, yeah!" Damien lied, faking his smile.

 "Hey, you okay? You seem tense." Shayne asked gently.

 "Just tired, let's eat I'm starving." Damien answered.

 An hour later, their food was gone and the movie almost over, Damien tried to focus on the TV, but it was difficult when Shayne took Damien's hand and cuddled into him. As the credits began, Damien suddenly felt Shayne's eyes on him and he became uncomfortable, he turned his head to look at him as he spoke.

 "Did...did you enjoy the movie, Shayne?" Damien asked.

 "I wasn't paying attention to the TV, I was watching you." Shayne answered.

 "Me? Why?" He asked.

 "You're gorgeous, Dames, that's why! You still drive me crazy, I can't stop thinking about our kiss." Shayne answered, as he put a hand on Damien's cheek.

 "You know, it's getting late! Maybe we should..." Damien began, but was cut off by Shayne kissing him.

 Damien's mind was screaming at him to stop, but his heart and body refused to listen and he began kissing him back. It was only when Shayne used his body; never breaking the kiss, to lay Damien down and began running his hands all over Damien's body, that he finally realized what they were doing. He pulled away, pushing Shayne off of him gently as he stood up, he looked at Shayne's confused and frustrated face, before he spoke.

 "I...I can't do this, Shayne, I'm sorry."

 "Dammit, Damien, why do you keep doing this to me?" Shayne demanded angrily, as he stood too.

 "Do what?" Damien asked confused.

 "This! Lead me on, then pull away!" Shayne answered frustrated.

 "Lead you...what the hell are you talking about? I haven't done a damn thing to you!" Damien said angrily.

 "Yeah, you have, Haas! You get close to me, so I think you want me as much as I want you, so I go for it! You give me a little taste and then you pull away, do you know how fucking frustrating that is? Why do it, huh? Is it some kind of game to you?" Shayne demanded.

 "Game? You think I like this, you bastard? Dammit, Shayne, I'm trying the best I can, I'm sorry if that's not good enough for you! I just can't forget what happened, what you did to me!" Damien said upset.

 "Why not? I've changed Damien, I'm not the same person!"

 "I know, Shayne, that's why I'm trying so hard!" Damien replied.

 "It's Ian, isn't it?" Shayne demanded.

 "What is?" Damien questioned confused.

 "Don't play stupid, Damien! You're screwing him, aren't you?"


 "You two were probably screwing around behind my back when we were together too, weren't you, Damien?" Shayne accused him.

 "Are you serious right now? I have never cheated on you, Topp! And no, Ian and I have never been together...ever! He's our brother, dammit, he'd never do that!" Damien answered.

 "You're lying! I've seen the way he looks at you, the way you two are always together!"

 "You haven't changed, Shayne, the only thing different is that you're sober! I'm done!" Damien said, as he turned to leave, but was stopped by Shayne grabbing his arm roughly. "Let go of me, you son-of-a-bitch!" He demanded, trying to pull away.

 "This conversation is over when I say it is, dammit!" Shayne said angrily, as he pulled Damien to him. "You're mine, Damien, and you always will be!"

 "Wrong! We're over, Shayne, and you need to get that through your damn head!" Damien reminded him, as he stared into Shayne's eyes.

 "The hell we are!" Shayne replied smiling, before he hit Damien in the face, causing him to fall onto the couch, holding his now bloody nose.

 "Oh yeah, Shayne, you've changed!" Damien said angrily, as he got up and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

 Damien grabbed a cloth and wet it, before he began cleaning himself up, as he did Shayne knocked on the door, he ignored him as his heart broke.

 "Damien, please, open the door! I'm so sorry, baby, I...I never meant to do that." Shayne said, his voice laced with tears. "I love you, Damien."

 Hearing those words made it hard for Damien to breathe, he closed his eyes and gripped the edge of the counter with both hands so tight his knuckles were white, as he began to cry silently. He loved Shayne, he was the first person in Damien's entire life that he's ever loved like this and it hurt so much to know that he hasn't changed. He had truly hoped that they could start over and be what they once were, but after tonight, Damien had no hope for anything anymore. After a few minutes, Damien's tears stopped, he didn't move his body, as he looked at himself in the mirror for a few seconds. He let go of the sink and went to the door, opening it he left the room and found Shayne sitting on the couch crying silently. Hearing him come out, Shayne stood and looked at him, his tears still falling, as he spoke.

 "Damien, I love you, please, give me a second chance! It'll never happen again, I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to prove it to you...I'll go to anger management classes, anything! I'm so sorry!" Shayne said, as he went to Damien and stood in front of him.

 "You always are, Shayne." Damien said quietly, not looking at him. "I love you too."

 Shayne didn't say anything, he just took Damien into his arms and held him close. As he did, he told Damien that this time he'd prove he had changed, Damien said nothing, he just let Shayne keep talking; nothing he said meant anything to Damien though. They were more empty words and promises, Damien was completely numb, he was too tired to fight anymore...he had given up.


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