Strangers In The Night Pt6 (Ianthony)

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 Anthony sat alone in the Bar Car of the train, it was late, but he didn't care, he was waiting for someone and he'd sleep in the damn car if he had to, until he found him; he was waiting for Ian. Things had been going so well between them, until earlier today, Shayne had called and told him something about Ian. Ian had overheard Anthony's conversation and it ruined everything. He felt horrible and brokenhearted, he wanted to fix it, but Ian was avoiding him, so he decided to camp out in the Bar Car, knowing he'd eventually run into him there. He sighed, as he took another drink of his beer and stared out the window at the dark night.

 He read the article that Shayne had sent him; the reason for their breakup, and discovered that Ian had killed a man. It was his father and after a trial, he was found to have acted in self-defense; truthfully, after hearing about Ian's horrible childhood, he was glad the bastard was dead. He had read everything he could find about it and none of it changed how he felt, but he knew there was more to Ian's past that made him feel the way he did and he needed to know what it was if he was going to save their relationship. So, he had left his bunk and tried Ian's, but got no answer, finally, he left and went to the Bar Car, knowing Ian would eventually go there. His thoughts were interrupted by the bartender coming up to his table, carrying a piece of paper in his hand.

 "Excuse me, sir, are you Anthony Padilla?"

 "Yeah." Anthony answered confused.

 "Good, I have a note for you, sir." The man said smiling, as he handed him a folded piece of paper.

 "Me? From who?" Anthony questioned.

 "I'm sorry, sir, but he didn't give me a name."

 "That's okay, thanks." Anthony said smiling, as he took the note.

 After giving him the piece of paper, the bartender returned to his post and Anthony opened the note, it was from Ian. He quickly looked around hoping to see him, but he wasn't there, how had he missed him, dammit? Sighing sadly, he looked back at the note and read it.


You have got to let me go, I'm no good for you. I'm sorry things ended up this way; I wish you had let me tell you everything when I wanted to. I've done a lot in my life I regret, but meeting you isn't one of them. I refuse to drag you into the Hell that is my life, you deserve so much better than me. I'm so sorry, Anthony.


 After reading the note, Anthony began to cry silently, he stared at Ian's words and felt his already broken heart, break a little more. He couldn't let Ian walk away, he had to find a way to make him talk to him.

**The Next Morning**:

 Ian sighed sadly, as he finished getting dressed, he felt like the world's biggest asshole for just walking away from Anthony; the only person other than his Grandfather, who made him feel special and cared about. It had ripped his heart into a million pieces to see the hurt in Anthony's eyes when he had broken up with him, but in the end, he knew it was the right thing to do. He sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his hands over his face. Trusting someone and letting them into his heart was hard for him, but he had only known Anthony for a few days and he had already shown and proved that he cared for him. He sighed sadly, as he stood and went to the door, he opened it and was shocked to see Anthony sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall across from Ian's bunk, he was asleep. Ian stood in his doorway, arms crossed, a sad smile on his face, as he watched Anthony sleep. He had no idea how long he had been there, but if he had to guess, he'd say all night. Just then he began to wake up, he groaned from the uncomfortable position he had slept in and stretched; he didn't notice Ian yet.

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