Saving Her Pt13 (Shartney)

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 Courtney stood looking out the window, her arms wrapped around herself for comfort, as she stared outside into the dark night. She was supposed to be sleeping, or that's what the guys, thought she was doing. While Courtney slept, the others were in the living room downstairs talking. She couldn't sleep, her mind too full of crap to let her, so she's been standing by the window now for the last hour. As she stood there, she thought back on her life and how her once-perfect life had turned into a nightmare! After Fox's attack on them, they had called the Police and spoke to two Detectives for over an hour. Then Shayne and Courtney had packed some things and went to stay with Ian and Connor; until they were allowed to return to their house, which was now a crime scene.

 On the way, they had stopped at Damien's place so he could get some things, he was going to stay with them too; they had all decided to stay together at their house for safety and security. The day after the attack, they had a meeting with Courtney's lawyer; Richard Ford, all five of them went and spent two hours going over the case; making sure to tell him about Fox's latest attack. Courtney's fears that Fox would make good on his threats got worse. She was constantly on edge, her nightmares got worse and she had to know where all four guys were at all times. Her thoughts were interrupted by Shayne coming into the room to check on her, she knew he was there, but kept her back to him.

 "I thought you were supposed to be sleeping?" Shayne asked gently, as he went to Courtney and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

 "Couldn't sleep." She answered, as she leaned back into his arms.

 "How are you doing?" Shayne asked, kissing the back of her head.

 "I'm scared, Shayne...I'm scared all the damn time." She replied angrily, as she pulled away and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I'm so tired of being scared."

 "Baby, it won't be like this forever, I promise." Shayne said, as he sat beside Courtney and took her hand.

 "Shayne, I love you, but you know you can't keep that promise to me. Fox won't stop until I'm either back with him or..."

 "Don't finish that sentence, Courtney." Shayne said, cutting her off. "I won't let that son-of-a-bitch near you ever again." He said, as he took Courtney into his arms, holding her close, wishing he could just make all of this disappear. "I love you, Court."

 "I love you too, Shayne." Courtney said quietly, as she held onto him tightly, wishing she could believe Shayne's words, but couldn't knowing what Fox was capable of.

**Days Later**:

 Courtney sighed, as she sat on the couch, she leaned back rubbing her hands over her face. She was exhausted, the nightmares were getting worse and she didn't know how much more she could take. She closed her eyes for only a second, but ended up falling into a much-needed sleep.

 Shayne hung up the phone, he had been in the kitchen, talking on the phone to the Police again; trying to find out when they could return home, and was told that they could tomorrow. He went into the living room to tell Courtney, but found her asleep. Smiling, he went up to her, he took the blanket off of the back of the couch and covered her up with it. He kissed Courtney's head gently, before he went back into the kitchen, just as Ian, Damien, and Connor returned from getting them all dinner.

 "Hey, Shayne-O, we got dinner." Connor greeted him smiling, as they came into the kitchen.

 "Where's Court?" Damien asked, as they put the food on the table.

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