Rescue Pt8 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien sighed tiredly, as he walked the busy halls of the Police station; which had become his home away from home lately. He had just gotten back from a food run for himself, Ian, Shayne, and Grant. The four of them haven't left the station much in the last few days, they were too busy working on an important and personal case involving a serial bomber who had been setting off bombs around town. Thankfully, both Ian and Grant were alive and on the mend, getting stronger every day. As Damien walked the halls, he sighed again and thought back to how all of this started. This morning, they had woken up and gotten ready for work, Ian was quiet, but he knew Ian was thinking of the fight they had had. He knew he'd eventually talk about it with Ian and fix things; they always did, but for now, they all needed to concentrate on the case, lives depended on it! His thoughts were interrupted, as he made it back to the room and went inside smiling, before he sat down across from Ian and began handing out everyone's food.

 "Did I miss anything?" Damien asked.

 "Nope." Shayne replied sighing. "Carter hasn't made any unusual calls and he hasn't been anywhere to meet up with anyone either."

 "Dammit!" Damien said frustrated. "What about the rest of our suspects? They give us anything?"

 "Nope, all dead ends." Ian answered frustrated, as he ran his hands over his face.

 "We still think Carter's our best shot?" Grant questioned unsure.

 "I'm telling you, I know Carter's somehow involved, I...I can feel it!" Ian said.

 "Okay, we're running out of time and Carter's the best we've got, so I say we continue tailing him and hope something comes out of it soon." Damien replied.

 "Alright, I guess we stay on Carter's ass then, and hope he leads us to the son-of-a-bitch, before time runs out!" Shayne agreed sighing.


 Ian sighed, as he took the headphones he was using off and leaning back in his chair, he ran his hands over his face. He had just spent the last hour going over the recordings they had made of Carter's phone calls, but he had found nothing useful yet. He stretched his broken leg out in front of him, grateful that he didn't have to use his damn crutches as much any more thanks to his new walking boot. Damien, Shayne, and Grant were out following up on more leads and he hoped that they were having better luck than he was. He looked out the window and thought about his brothers and the nightmare he went through when he was trapped in the school. This morning they pretended like nothing happened and came to work, he was finding it hard to concentrate though, knowing he had hurt Damien. His thoughts were interrupted by Damien, Shayne, and Grant coming into the room smiling, seeing them he spoke.

 "What's going on?" Ian asked confused.

 "I just got off the phone with my informant, who told me that Carter is meeting with the bomber tonight at Griffin's Park." Damien said smiling, this was the break they've been waiting for.

 "I knew he'd lead us to the bastard! Your informant trustworthy?" Ian asked.

 "Yep, same one I use all the time." Damien answered.

 "Alright, let's get surveillance images of the park, so we can get a layout of everything. We can't afford any screw-ups!" Ian said smiling, this was it, tonight they finally catch that son-of-a-bitch!

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