Rescue Pt6 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien paced the quiet hallway of the hospital, while Shayne was gone to the cafeteria getting them more coffee. Damien was exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. There was no way he'd be able to stay still and relax though...not until someone told them how Ian was. Ian was in surgery right now to fix his crushed left leg after he had been trapped for hours under debris inside the school. Thankfully, he had been rescued a few hours ago, but since arriving at the hospital, all they've been told about his condition was that he had needed surgery. He sat down on a chair and sighed shakily, as he wiped away his tears and thought about how they ended up here with Ian fighting for his life. A while later, the others had to go back to work, after hugging them, they told Damien and Shayne that they'd be back after work. After they left, Shayne and Damien did the only thing they could do...wait. Needing to keep distracted, Shayne had made many trips to the cafeteria for food and coffee for the two of them. Damien felt his tears fall again and this time he didn't stop them, he didn't even notice Shayne had come back, until he felt himself being pulled into familiar arms, as they both cried.

 A few minutes later, both had stopped crying, but leaned against each other for support. As they waited Shayne looked down the hall and was shocked to see Grant on crutches talking to a Nurse; neither looked happy.

 "D, look." Shayne said, as he pointed down the hall.

 "Should we go talk to him?" Damien asked.

 "I think we should, he doesn't look happy." Shayne answered, as they got up and walked towards them. "Is everything alright?"

 "Hey, guys, and everything would be if this Nurse would just discharge me!" Grant answered angrily.

 "Sir, we can't let you leave unless you have someone to take you home and stay with you." The Nurse said sighing frustrated.

 "And I told you, I'm fine! A few cuts, bruises, and broken leg aren't going to kill me!"

 "We've got him!" Damien said smiling.

 "I thought you were here for Mr. Hecox?" The Nurse asked confused.

 "We are, but we're here for Mr. Grant too." Shayne answered smiling.

 "Alright then, I'll go get your discharge papers ready then." She said, before she left.

 "Thanks for that." Grant said, as they sat down. "I hate hospitals!"

 "It was the least we could do after you brought Ian back to us alive." Damien replied. "We never got to thank you yet for that."

 "None needed." Grant said gently. "I know we didn't always see eye to eye on a lot of things during the rescue..."

 "Yeah, sorry about that, man." Shayne said ashamed, cutting Grant off. "It's..."

 "Understandable!" Grant said smiling, cutting Shayne off. "I get it, Shayne, it's nothing personal. I'm just glad everything worked out the way it did."

 "Us too." Shayne replied sighing.

 "So, how are you?" Damien asked.

 "Tired and sore, but I'll live! A few cuts and bruises and a broken leg are nothing, trust me I'll be fine, I've had worse."

 "I need a coffee, what about you two?" Damien asked.

 "Oh yeah, what about you, Grant? Our treat." Shayne added smiling.

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