Living In The Past Pt14 (Ianthony)/(Shaymien)

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 Ian woke up to the sun shining directly into his face, keeping his eyes closed he covered his head with his blanket. He tried going back to sleep, but of course, once he was awake he couldn't go back to sleep. Sighing, he stayed under the blanket, eyes closed, as he debated with himself if he wanted to get up yet or stay where he was for a little longer. His head was a little sore, his mouth was dry and he really needed to go to the bathroom, so he pulled the covers off and sat up. As he ran his hands over his face trying to wake up, he suddenly remembered where he was and what had happened last night. He threw himself back against the couch, cursing the damn beer for what he had done. He was at Anthony and Shayne's shared house, and last night, thanks to all the beer he drank, he had made a fool out of himself in front of Anthony; the man he was desperately still in love with, despite the fact that both men had moved on with new relationships and were happy. Sighing again, he began to think about everything that's happened.

 Unfortunately, this morning he hadn't woken up with no memory of the night before and he could only hope that Anthony didn't remember anything. He got up and grabbed his clothes, before he went into the bathroom and changed. When he was finished he opened the door and saw Anthony coming out of his bedroom, Ian froze; he had forgotten how much he loved seeing Anthony after he had just woken up, he looked and sounded sexier than he usually did. His staring didn't last long though, as Anthony finally noticed him and smiling spoke.

 "Morning, Ian." Anthony greeted him, as he ran a hand through his hair.

 "Morning, Anthony." Ian replied smiling.

 "How'd you sleep?" Anthony asked, as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

 "Uh, good, I was out like a light as soon as I hit the pillow. How'd you sleep?"

 "Good, best sleep I've had in a long time actually." Anthony answered smiling.

 "Must have been all the beer." Ian said, unsure if he remembered anything.

 "Maybe, or it could be something else." Anthony replied shrugging his shoulders.

 "Maybe." Ian repeated, his heart beating a little faster, letting himself imagine even if it was only for a second that Anthony had meant it was because of him. "So, how are you feeling this morning?" He asked hoping he had a hangover and wouldn't remember what he had said.

 "Uh...fine, it takes a lot more than that to give me a hangover, you should know that." Anthony replied smiling, before he laughed. "How's your head?"

 "Good." Ian answered, cursing Anthony's high tolerance for alcohol in his head.

 "Shayne's up and already making breakfast, if you wanna join us?"

 "I can't." Ian said quickly, causing Anthony to look at him weirdly. "I mean, thanks, but I can't, I've got a lot of work to do. May...maybe we can do breakfast another time?" He added, kicking himself for his choice of words he quickly spoke again. "Or lunch. We...we could do lunch, or dinner even?"

 "Uh, sure, one of us will text you." Anthony agreed smiling.

 "Okay, here are your clothes; thanks for letting me use them." Ian said quickly, as he handed them back, making sure to avoid any contact. "I have to go, see you later, Anthony." He said, before he quickly began walking away, but Anthony spoke stopping him.

 "I really am glad you came over last night, Ian, I had fun." Anthony said smiling.

 "I did too." Ian said smiling, as he looked at him, before he walked away.

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