Saving Her Pt4 (Shartney)

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 Shayne lay on the couch in the small hotel room, with Courtney; who had fallen asleep lying in Shayne's arms, while they were watching a movie with Ian and Damien. After she had fallen asleep Shayne turned off the movie, while Ian went for a shower and Damien ran out to the car to grab a bag he had forgotten in the trunk earlier, as Shayne held Courtney close, he began to think of their lives together. He was suddenly pulled from his thoughts when Courtney sat up, scared shitless from another nightmare. Shayne sat up and quickly took her into his arms, reassuring her that she was okay, she began to calm down knowing Shayne was okay, until she realized that Ian and Damien weren't there.

 "Where's Ian and Damien?" She asked panicking, tears in her eyes.

 "Court? What's wrong?" Damien questioned concerned, as he came back inside with his bag and Ian came out of the bathroom when he heard Courtney's panicked voice.

 "Ian, Damien!" She said so relieved, as she got up and went to them hugging them both tightly in a three-way hug. "You're're all safe."

 "Come on, let's finish watching our movie, huh?" Shayne suggested smiling sadly, as Courtney went back to the comfort of Shayne's arms, Ian and Damien sat beside them.

 Shayne turned the movie back on, and put his arms around Courtney holding her close, she held both Ian and Damien's hands tightly. Ian and Damien looked at Shayne and all three knew it was going to be another long, sleepless night, but none of them cared, as long as Courtney felt safe that's all that mattered to them.

**Two Days Later**:

 Fox sat in his car watching as the oblivious foursome returned to their hotel room after running errands. Fox noticed the way all three of the bastards kept Courtney between them, to protect their precious sister and it made him smile to know even apart from her he still had power over Miller. Fox had been searching for Courtney since the foursome left town and he had finally found them a couple of days ago. He was pissed that she had left; no one ever left him! She was his property and he was going to get her back, even if it meant killing Topp, Hecox, and Haas to do it.

 He watched as they went to their door, and while Damien unlocked it Shayne smiling kissed Courtney. Seeing that pissed Fox off even more, he was going to enjoy hurting the four of them and once he had his Courtney back, she was never going to get away from him again. Of course, he was going to have to teach his precious Courtney a lesson about running away, but that's what happens when you try and screw with him. He knew all about their little gun, he had found it earlier when he had broken into their room while they were out. He had taken the gun with him and he planned on using it on the three men; why go out and go through the hassle of getting his own gun, when they had a perfectly good one he could use. He waited until they were all sitting on the couch together completely with their guards down, before he got out of his car and smiling went to the door. He opened it surprising all four of them, seeing him they stood, Shayne, Ian, and Damien put Courtney behind them; she held their hands tightly as she shook with fear.

 "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Fox asked smiling, as he came into the room, kicking the door shut behind him. "If it isn't the three homewreckers and my precious little, Courty."

 "How the hell did you find us?" Damien demanded angrily.

 "It's easy...when you're me." Fox answered. "It's good to see you, baby, you look really good...I've missed you, Courtney." He said, as he looked Courtney up and down licking his lips.

 "Don't call her that, you son-of-a-bitch!" Shayne ordered angrily.

 "I'll call her whatever the hell I want, Topp, she is mine after all."

 "Not anymore she's not, you bastard." Ian replied.

 "Aw, that's cute, Hecox, it really is. I'm going to let the four of you in on a little secret. Courtney is and always will be mine." Fox said smiling. "I've come to take her home."

 "She's not going anywhere with you, Carter." Shayne said, as he looked at his bag where the gun was hidden.

 "Is this the part where you try to stop me?" Fox asked smiling.

 "No, this is the part where we do stop you!" Shayne answered, as he rushed to his bag that sat on the bed, but he was stopped by Fox.

 "Looking for this?" Fox asked, as he pulled out the gun.


 "I took it when you were out and judging by the look on my poor Courty's face and knowing of her hatred for guns...I'd say she didn't know you three had this." Fox said smiling. "It's not nice to lie, boys."

 "Screw you, Carter, we got it because of you." Damien replied angrily.

 "Well, gentlemen, this has been fun, but Courtney and I are going to leave now. I've really missed her and we have a lot of catching up to do." Fox said smiling.

 "She's not going anywhere!" Ian stated.

 "That's where you're wrong, Hecox, so very, very wrong." Fox said still smiling, as he raised the gun and pointed it at Ian, before he fired one time.


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