Strangers In The Night Pt2 (Ianthony)

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 Anthony lay in his bunk on the train, letting the gentle rocking motion put him back to sleep. He had gotten up to use the bathroom and decided since he didn't need to be anywhere he'd go back to sleep for a while. That was the plan, but a half-hour later he was still just lying in the dark, eyes closed and unable to sleep. As he lay there, he looked at the watch sitting on the table beside his bunk and thought about the mystery man he had met last night in the Bar car. He was attracted to him and wanted to get to know him, but knew it wouldn't be easy, the man wasn't easy to talk to, he didn't give up easily though. Anthony must have fallen back to sleep again, because the next thing he knew he was woken up by the sound of his cell ringing. Not fully awake, he fumbled around on the small table by the bed without opening his eyes, until he found what he thought was his phone. He brought it to his ear and spoke, not getting an answer, and hearing the ringing continue, he opened his eyes.

 "For fuck's sake." He said, realizing he had just spoken into his wallet, he sat up quickly not remembering the shelf above his bed, and hit his head off of it hard. "Ow, dammit." He yelled as he rubbed his forehead, before he reached over and picked up his phone. "Hello?" He asked fully awake now, as he continued rubbing his forehead.

 "Anthony, where the hell have you been, man?" Shayne asked worried.

 "Sleeping." Anthony answered, as the pain finally began to fade.

 "Sleeping? It's almost nine, since when do you sleep past six?"

 "Well, dad, I had a few drinks last night and I guess I was more tired than I realized and slept late."

 "Dude, this is the second time I've called you this morning." Shayne said.

 "Really? Sorry, Shayne-O, I'm alright though, okay?"

 "Okay, so, you sound like you're enjoying yourself, dude?"

 "I' am, it's great. I even met a couple of guys last night, they thought they knew me, when they realized their mistake they apologized and I asked them to join me. We talked most of the night; it was so nice to just relax."

 "That's great, Anthony, I'm glad you're having fun." Shayne said.

 "I' am, but don't worry you're still my favorite pain in the ass." Anthony teased.

 "I better be." Shayne teased back.

 "You are. Listen, dude, I'm going to go get breakfast, I'm starving. I'll call you later, okay?"

 "Okay, I love and miss you, man." Shayne said sadly, missing his best friend.

 "I love and miss you too, Shayne, bye." Anthony said, realizing how much he missed his best friend/brother, before he hung up.

 After he hung up he got up, got dressed, and went to the bathroom. Once there he looked in the mirror and saw the red mark on his forehead, he laughed, as he rubbed it. He then decided to go get breakfast, hoping he'd run into his mystery man; before he left his bunk he grabbed the watch, he wanted to apologize for the way he acted last night and return it to him.

 Meanwhile, Ian was already in the Dining Car waiting for his food to arrive. He took a drink of his coffee, as he thought about last night and the man he had met. He didn't know his name, but he was the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. Ian though wasn't looking for a hook-up, the man was nothing, but a distraction and that was something he didn't need...or did he? Ian shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts of the mystery man and instead concentrate on why he was on the train to begin with. He was trying to put as much distance between himself and his old life as he could and until he finally stopped running he couldn't allow himself to get distracted...even if the distraction was a guy who looked as good as his mystery man did. His thoughts were interrupted by the server bringing him his food, he thanked her before she left.

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