The Game Pt2 (Shaymien)

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 Damien sat at his desk and sighed, as he ran his hands over his face, Shayne and Ian sat across from him.  No one spoke for a few seconds after his announcement, Shayne and Ian looked at each other, before they looked back at Damien; who remained quiet, as he looked at his desk. Neither could believe what they had just heard.

 "What?" Shayne asked.

 "I're going to play without me." Damien answered, as he finally looked at them.

 "No way, Damien, we're a team; we're in this together or not at all." Ian said as Shayne agreed, Damien sighed sadly and spoke as he stood.

 "Guys, you guys keep losing because of me. If I don't play then you'll win the championship, and finally, shut those two assholes up for good." Damien said.

 "You're not quitting. You just need more practice; today after work you and I are hitting the park for some." Shayne said smiling.

 "Shayne, it would be easier to just let me..."

 "We're a team, sorry, Dames. See you after work, dude." Shayne said, cutting him off, as he stood and began to leave.

 "Shayne, I..." Damien tried again.

 "Not listening! See you after work!" Shayne said smiling, as he walked away, before Damien could argue anymore.

 After their run-in with Thomas and Billy, they had gotten a customer, so Damien didn't have time to think about being alone with Shayne. In fact, he had completely forgotten about it by the end of the day. He stood by his desk after work putting on his jacket, when the guys joined him. He turned smiling to see Shayne was already in his practice clothes; which included a pair of baseball pants. Damien couldn't take his eyes off of him and knew he was in big trouble when he felt his body begin to react. He forced himself to focus on something else, as Shayne spoke.

 "Why aren't you changed?" Shayne asked. "You thought I forgot didn't you?"

 ", I did actually." Damien answered looking away quickly, as he blushed.

 "Go get changed, I'll meet you at my car in 10." Shayne said smiling, as Damien got his clothes and went to change, trying to keep his mind off of Shayne's pants.

 Once changed, Damien got his things and left the building locking up; since they were the last to leave. He met the guys at their cars and after putting his bag in Shayne's trunk they said their goodbyes and he got into the car with him. The whole ride to the park Damien felt like he'd explode, and he wondered if someone could go legally insane from love? They arrived at the park and got out before they headed to the diamond, once there Shayne tossed Damien a glove.

 "We'll warm up with a little catch." Shayne said smiling.

 "Sounds good, I'm ready whenever you are, dude." Damien said smiling.

 They practiced for a while; Damien forced himself to concentrate on the game, not Shayne, and was surprised and relieved when Ian joined them at the park dressed for practice. He smiled to himself, he really did have two of the greatest friends anyone could ever want.

**Days Later**:

 Shayne and Damien practiced every day after work. When their last game before the semi-finals happened Damien was no better than before and they just barely won the game. He wanted to give up and quit, but the guys refused to let him and so Shayne continued practicing alone with him. Soon, Damien improved a little, but not enough to make a difference and he was so frustrated with himself. Making things worse for him, was the fact that he could hardly concentrate on practice when all he thought about was Shayne. When Shayne would stand close to show him how to hold the bat, or move Damien's hips with his hands to put him in the proper standing position, or he'd touch Damien's hands to show him how to throw the ball, Damien could barely breathe; let alone concentrate on what Shayne was telling him. One afternoon, unable to take it any longer, as Shayne stood behind him; his hands on Damien's hips, he spoke.

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