The Boss's Son Pt4 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien sat in his car, both hands on the wheel, as he stared at the house in front of him. He fought with himself over whether or not he should go to the front door or leave and go home. He took his phone out of his pocket and quickly started dialing Shayne's number. He didn't make the call though; instead, he shut his phone off, put it back in his pocket, before sighing he gently banged his head off the steering wheel. He sat up again, leaned back, and closed his eyes, as he began to think about how he had ended up here. He was so nervous, he was about to bring his fantasies to life, but was worried that doing it might cause more problems for them. The whole drive to Ian's house he had continued fighting with himself over what to do. Once he arrived, he parked, but didn't get out and has spent the last 10 minutes sitting in Ian's driveway, like some stalker watching him. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone going off, signaling he had a new text, he took it out of his pocket and saw it was from Ian, he read it.

 I- Are you planning on coming in?

 D- Uh, yeah! You know I'm here?

 I- You've been sitting in my driveway for like 15 minutes now, Dames.

 D- Oh.

 I- Look up!

 Damien did and saw Ian standing in the window, holding up two beers, as he smiled. Damien smiled back, before he got out and went to the front door; it opened before he got to it.

 "I thought I was going to have to drink both of these myself." Ian teased. "You okay?"

 "Fine." Damien answered smiling, as he took one of the beers.

 "You having second thoughts about this?" Ian asked, as he took a drink of his beer.

 "Does this answer your question?" Damien replied, before he kissed Ian.

 "I'll take that as a no." Ian said smiling, when the kiss ended. "Come on, let's go have some fun in the hot tub."

 "Uh, but I didn't bring my shorts?"

 "I know." Ian replied winking, as he took Damien's hand and led him to the hot tub.

**Two Days Later**:

 Damien sighed, he sat at his desk trying and failing to concentrate on his work, it's been two days since he slept with Ian again and it was even better than the last time, and that had been incredible! He should be happy, but he wasn't, since that night Ian hasn't seen or spoken to him outside of the office, and when they did talk it was always about work. He was worried that he had said or did something to make Ian upset or maybe all they had between them was sex and they'd only be together whenever they needed a release? He got up and left his office, he was on his way to the break room when he heard someone call his name. He turned towards the voice and saw Ian on his way back into his office, he had called to Damien smiling.

 "Damien, you got a few minutes?" Ian asked, as he stood in the doorway of his office, checking his phone.

 "Uh, yeah, why?"

 "Shayne's out sick and I need an update on the campaign. Since he's at home, you're going to have to handle it alone." Ian explained, as he looked at him.

 "Oh, okay. Let me go grab the papers from my office, and I'll show you what we've got." Damien replied smiling.

 "Alright." Ian said, as he went into his office, shutting the door behind him.

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