Drunken Mistake Pt22 (Ian X Reader)

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 The next morning, I woke up with the sun, I rolled over onto my right side and saw that Ian was still sleeping, so I laid there watching him. He looked so gorgeous and peaceful sleeping and I couldn't help, but smile as I watched him. Not many people got to see this side of him, normally, he was so hyper and didn't stop moving or talking, I felt so lucky to be able to see it. I wanted so badly to reach over and touch him, but I didn't, knowing I didn't have the right. Instead, I sighed sadly and got up without disturbing him; I then grabbed my clothes and stuff I'd need to get ready for the day and went into the bathroom for a shower. After I was finished, I came out and saw that he was still sleeping, so smiling, I put my stuff away and decided to make us coffee and breakfast. I went downstairs to the kitchen, and began making breakfast, starting with the coffee. As I did, I tried to be quiet so I didn't wake Ian up, he needed his sleep, he had been working so damn hard lately.

 A half-hour later, I was just putting the coffees and food onto the table, when Ian came downstairs and into the kitchen. He must have just woken up, he was still in his pajamas, complete with bedhead and he looked so good.

 "Morning, Sleeping Beauty." I teased smiling, as he smiled too, running a hand through his hair.

 "Morning, (Y/N/N), what's all this?" He asked.

 "Well, Ian, it's what normal people like to call breakfast." I replied smiling, as we laughed, I handed him his coffee. "Seriously though, I thought since you brought me here, the least I could do is make breakfast."

 "It smells good." Ian said, as he looked at the table.

 "Come on, let's eat it while it's hot." I said, as we sat down.


 After breakfast was done and everything was cleaned up, we decided to pack a lunch and go for a long hike. So, while Ian showered and got dressed, I packed our lunch and decided to call Mari to check on the twins.

 "Hey, (Y/N/N)." She greeted me happily, after she answered.

 "Hey, Mari."

 "So, how was your night?"

 "Relaxing." I answered smiling, remembering the fun we had.

 "Did you do anything fun?" She teased.

 "Yeah, we drank some beers, talked, and listened to music; it was just what we both needed." I answered.

 "Wait, that...that's it?" She asked confused.

 "Yep, that's it." I repeated, rolling my eyes, as I finished packing our lunch.

 "Why didn't you tell him?" Mari asked frustrated.

 "I've already told you why I can't tell him, Mari."

 "Stop being a coward, (Y/N), and just tell him how you feel." She ordered.

 "Not going to happen, you know, I didn't call you to get a lecture, I called to check on how things are going." I said annoyed.

 "This isn't over, (Y/N), things are good here though, the twins are fine and so is Daisy. I'd facetime you to show you, but they're sleeping."

 "That's okay, I'll call you later, say hi to Anthony for us, bye Mari."

 "Bye, (Y/N/N), tell him, dammit." She said, before she hung up.

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