The Bet Pt5 (Ian/Damien)

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 Ian sat alone in the cafeteria during lunch, waiting for Damien, Shayne, and Courtney to join him. He took a drink of his coffee, as he looked around the room sighing. He leaned back in his seat and began to think about the stupid bet he had made with Shayne and how because of it all four of their lives would be changed forever. His thoughts were interrupted by his brothers and Courtney finally joining him.

 "Hey, Ian." All three greeted him together smiling.

 "Hey, guys." He said, as Damien sat beside him and took his hand.

 "You three dorks, ready to sell the Newburg house finally?" Courtney asked smiling, as she held Shayne's hand.

 "First off, we aren't dorks, we're unique!" Ian said smiling, as Damien and Shayne fist-bumped him agreeing with him. "Secondly, we're always ready to kick ass selling the unsellable, it's what we do best!"

 "What about you, Courtney? You ready to take that promotion from Sam?" Damien asked smiling.

 "Damn right, I' am! You're looking at the new sales associate, boys!"

 "We'll be watching and cheering you on." Shayne said smiling, before he kissed her.

 "We should go finish getting ready, guys." Damien said.

 "Shayne, can I uh, talk to you for a second?" Ian asked, as they stood.

 "Sure man, what's up?" Shayne agreed.

 "Privately!" Ian replied, hoping Shayne would catch his hidden meaning.

 "Oh, uh, yeah!" Shayne said smiling, catching the hint.

 "You two okay?" Damien asked.

 "Yeah, fine! We just need to talk about the surprise we're planning for you guys." Shayne answered quickly.

 "Oh, okay. Well, don't be too long, we have to leave soon." Damien said smiling, before he kissed Ian, Courtney kissed Shayne, before they left.

 "Our surprise?" Ian said annoyed, as he hit Shayne in the back of his head hard. "Really, dude?"

 "Ow, dammit! What the hell was I supposed to say, huh?" Shayne questioned, rubbing the back of his head. "You're the one who asked to talk to me privately in front of them!"

 "Yeah, well, you could have said something...anything else, genius! Now we have to think of a damn surprise for them! Since it was your big mouth that got us into this, Topp, you're going to figure out their surprise...and it better be good!" Ian replied, before he began to walk away.

 "Wait, what did you want to talk to me about?" Shayne asked, as he caught up with him.

 "We'll talk about it after you come up with our surprise." Ian answered sighing, as they walked to Ian's office.

**A Week Later**:

 Damien stood outside in the backyard of their house, and sighed, as he looked out at the city lights that shone brightly against the night sky. Shayne had gone to get Courtney; she was going to ride to dinner with them, and Ian was in the shower.

 Thinking about Ian made Damien smile, but it also scared him a little too because his feelings for Ian have grown more intense and he knew he was falling in love with him and it scared him because Ian didn't do love! His thoughts were interrupted when he felt Ian wrap his arms around his waist from behind, Damien leaned back into his embrace and sighed again. Ian kissed the side of his head, Damien closed his eyes smiling.

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