Drunken Mistake Pt6 (Ian X Reader)

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 I sighed happily, as I finished putting the last of the baby stuff into the newly decorated nursery, that the entire Smosh family helped put together; there were even unique, one of a kind hand-painted pictures on the walls that each Smosh member had made for the babies. I was alone right now, Ian was at work and he wouldn't be home for at least another few hours. I sighed again, the smile still on my face, as I rubbed my large belly, I was seven months pregnant now and I had stopped being in videos regularly a couple of months ago. I absolutely hated having nothing to do all damn day, so I convinced the family to let me be in videos every once in a while. Of course, though, not everything was going well, things between Ian and I were still tense and we still fought. I hated it and wished that things between us would be different, but nothing changed, but at least I still had my dreams and fantasies.

 "(Y/N), are you home?"

 "Yeah, I'm in the nursery, Ian." I called back, as he came into the room and looked around smiling.

 "Wow, it looks really good." Ian said. "I still can't believe you convinced everyone to do a painting, they look cool though."

 "Thanks, and I can't believe I managed to get them to do it either honestly." I said, as we both laughed. "You're home early."

 "I wish." Ian replied sighing, as he ran his hands over his face. "I actually need to ask you a big favor."

 "Oh, okay, what do you need?"

 "It's about the video we're shooting today, the actress we hired got food poisoning and she can't finish the shoot." Ian explained sighing again.

 "And you need me to fill in for her?" I asked, Ian nodded. "What about Court or Liv, can't one of them do it instead?"

 "Nope, both of them are already in the video."

 "Okay, well, what about Mari?"

 "She's filming a Gamebang. Look, (Y/N/N), we're already way behind and now with having to switch out the actresses we'll have to rewrite and reshoot some of the scenes we already did, so will you help us or not?" Ian said frustrated.

 "Alright, Hecox, calm down, I'll do it. I hate seeing you guys stuck." I agreed smiling.

 "Great, thank you, (Y/N/N), you're a life-saver." Ian said smiling relieved, before he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

 "Uh." I said taken by surprise, he didn't even realize what he did or my reaction, he was too busy on his phone texting Anthony.

 "Alright, I just texted Anthony so he can get started on the rewrites, you don't need to bring anything, we have everything at the studio."

 "Okay, let's go." I said smiling, trying to hide that I was blushing.


 Despitehaving to do some rewrites and reshoots, the video actually ended upturning out really good and therewere no extra problems with any of it. When we were done, Ian and I went out todinner with Anthony, Courtney, Damien, and Shayne. After a great time and deliciousfood, Ian and I went home and we changed into comfy clothes, before we sattogether on the couch watching T.V. As we did, I noticed that Ian was having ahard time staying awake, a fewseconds later, I felt a weight on my shoulder, I looked and realized it was a sleeping Ian. He didn't look very comfortable, so I moved slightly and he ended up lyingdown on the couch with his head on my lap. I watched him sleeping and I couldn't help, but smile, as I gentlybegan playing with his hair, causing him to smilein his sleep. I got so lost in myshow, that I didn't realize Ian hadwoken up, but he didn't move orspeak, as I continued playing with his hair. I only realized he was awake whenthe babies kicked hard and he spoke as he laughed a little.

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