Love Hurts Pt5 (Shaymien)

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 Damien lay on the couch in the living room of the house he shared with Ian. He was alone right now, Ian had gone for a run before they watched a movie together and Damien was grateful to be alone so he could think. He put one arm under his head, his other lay across his stomach, he sighed shakily as he stared at the ceiling. His mind raced, he couldn't concentrate on anything, the reason for the chaos was one man; who despite everything that happened Damien still loved, Shayne. Yesterday, Shayne had called and told them that he was being released from rehab and returning home in two days. Damien and Ian were both happy, but deep down Damien was terrified to have Shayne near him again. He tried to hide it from Ian, but his brother knew him too well and they had spent all night talking about it. Damien's thoughts were interrupted by Ian returning, seeing Damien so scared again because of Shayne broke Ian's heart.

 "Hey, D." Ian greeted him gently.

 "Hey, Ian, how was your run?" Damien asked, as he sat up.

 "Good, but it would have been better if my partner in crime had come with me." Ian answered, as he sat down beside him on the couch.

 "Sorry, man, I just needed to..."

 "Worry about Shayne coming back?" Ian said cutting him off.

 "You know, Hecox, it really sucks sometimes that we know each other so damn well!" Damien said smiling, as he stood.

 "Damien, a blind man can see it! You've never been good at hiding your emotions, dude, good or bad." Ian said gently.

 "Ian, I know everything that happened was because of the alcohol and I know he's changed, but it still scares...he still scares me!"

 "I know, Damien, I won't let him hurt you again, okay? Just like I did before, I'll do whatever I have to do to keep you safe. You're my brother, Dames, and I love you." Ian reassured Damien, before he hugged him. "Don't worry, I've got your back."

 "I know, thanks, Ian. I love you too, man."

**Two Days Later/Shayne's Return**:

 The days passed, and finally, it was the day of Shayne's return home. Damien and Ian were both happy and excited to have their brother back and their family reunited. Damien had spent the last two days trying to bury his fear, so he could move on, but it didn't work and now that the day had finally arrived his nerves were worse than ever. Ian knew Damien was trying to let go of the past and move on, but like Damien had said to him, how do you let go of months of abuse at the hands of the person you love and almost die because of them? Ian knew Damien was strong and that Shayne had changed, but none of that would stop him from protecting his brother.

 Meanwhile, Shayne pulled into the driveway, he was so happy and excited to finally be back with his brothers, but he was also nervous, not wanting to slip up and become the same monster he had fought so damn hard to beat! He still loved and wanted Damien, but knew he'd have to prove he had changed, not only to Damien, but Ian too. Only the three of them knew where he really had been, everyone else believed he had been back home with his family. He took a deep breath and got out of the car, he grabbed his bags from the trunk, before he headed inside. After dropping his stuff off at his house, he went next door to Ian's house, he stood outside the front door, frozen with fear. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before he knocked. When he didn't get an answer, he was about to knock again, but stopped when he heard someone in the backyard. Taking another deep breath, he left the porch, went through the gate, and went into the backyard.

 Going into the backyard, he found Damien standing with his back to Shayne...playing fetch with a dog. Damien didn't hear him, so Shayne took the opportunity to watch the man he loved. Damien looked as incredible as he always did; maybe even more now, as he threw the ball for the German Shepard, who happily ran after it. While Shayne was admiring the view, he licked his lips smiling, just as the dog suddenly noticed he was there and began barking as it stood in front of Damien. He turned around to see what was bothering the dog and Shayne's smile disappeared when he saw the barely noticeable scars Damien wore because of him and the scared look in Damien's beautiful brown eyes seeing Shayne; the same eyes that used to look at him with love.

 Neither man spoke or moved, they just stared at each other, Damien put his hand on the dog's collar to keep it from going anywhere, the dog sat beside him, not taking its eyes off of Shayne. Before either of them could say something, Ian came outside. Shayne didn't miss the secret look that passed quickly between his brothers or the way Ian's body tensed up ready to rush to Damien and protect him if he needed to.

 "Shayne, you're here!" Ian greeted him smiling, before he hugged him.

 "Just got here actually." Shayne said smiling.

 "It's good to have you back, Shayne." Damien added, before he hugged him too.

 "Thanks, it's good to be back. Who's this?" Shayne asked, as he knelt on one knee to pet the dog.

 "My new dog, her name's Daisy, I got her from the shelter two weeks ago." Ian answered smiling, as he pet Daisy's head. "Actually, Dames and I went there to drop off some old blankets for the animals, he insisted I donate them instead of just throwing them out. While we were there we looked around and found her."

 "I...I need to feed Daisy. I'll catch up with you guys in a few minutes." Damien said quickly, before he went into the house with Daisy.

 "Shayne, you know he loves you, but he needs to heal now too." Ian said gently, as he placed a hand on Shayne's shoulder.

 "I...I know, Ian, it's just seeing him so afraid of me...kills me!" Shayne replied, his voice shaky.

 "Give him space and time, Shayne, he went through hell. And just like you did, he'll come out of this stronger than before."

 "He might never take me back, Ian. I did this, I hurt the only person I've ever loved; besides you! How the hell can I expect him to forgive me, when I can't even forgive myself for it?" Shayne said sadly, wiping away his tears.

 Ian didn't say anything, he just took him in his arms and held him tightly, as Shayne cried. Ian's heart ached for both his brothers, he truly believed they belonged together and he'd do whatever he could to help them find their way back to each other. Even though he wanted them together, if he found out Shayne has hurt Damien again in any way, he'll personally make sure that Shayne suffers twice as bad as Damien did for it!


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