Forever Mine Pt2

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**Two Weeks Later**:

 The notes continued coming every day over the next week, bringing the total to 24! Ian was a complete mess; he was on edge and nervous all the time. He barely slept or went out of the house, he was a completely different person and everyone; especially Anthony, were worried about him. They all felt so helpless, no one knew how to help him, all five refused to leave him alone; so one or all of them were with him at all times. Despite his gratefulness to them for being there for him, he felt smothered by never having any alone time. He felt like he was going crazy and he wasn't sure how much more he could take! One day, two weeks later, they were all at Smosh HQ trying to fake their way through another taping of Game Bang. After yet another failed attempt, Ian needed to clear his head, so he decided to get some fresh air; he debated with himself whether or not to tell the others, and in the end though, he did.

 "Guys, I'm going to go get some air." Ian said sighing, as he stood up from his chair.

 "Sounds like a good idea! I'll come with you!" Anthony said smiling.

 They went outside and Ian leaned against the building, before he ran his hands over his face sighing. Anthony watched him sadly; he hated seeing Ian like this and wished he could make the whole thing disappear. They stood together in silence for a few minutes, both lost in their thought's, until Ian spoke.



 "I've been doing a lot of thinking...and maybe I should go to the police? The letters might not be a lot to go on, but maybe they could help?"

 "We won't know until we try, right?" Anthony answered smiling. "We'll go tomorrow morning, but right now we have a video to do!"

 "Thanks." Ian said gently, smiling sadly at his best friend.

 "For what?"

 "Being here for me!"

 "You don't need to thank me, dude, that's what best friends do." Anthony answered hugging him. "Come on, let's go back inside." Anthony said, as they turned to go inside.

 As soon as their backs were turned though, Anthony felt something hit him hard in the back of the head; he instantly blacked out and fell to the ground face down. Ian who had been in front of him heard Anthony fall and quickly rushed to him and knelt by him checking to see if he was alive; he was relieved when he felt a pulse. He looked around to see if there was anyone around, seeing no one he quickly reached into his pocket for his phone to call for help. He had just taken it out of his pocket, when suddenly, someone placed a cloth over his mouth and nose. He tried to fight off his attacker, but the chloroform quickly overpowered him and he passed out dropping his phone. Once he was unconscious he was dragged to a waiting car, and put into the passenger's seat. His attacker then got into the car too and drove away tossing another letter onto the ground near Anthony as they left.


 His head pounded, he kept his eyes closed, squeezing them tight, trying to make the pain go away. As he lay still he realized he was lying face down on the ground, but he couldn't remember how he got there. As he tried to remember what happened, he heard familiar voices calling his name, and heard the sound of running feet coming towards him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the worried faces of his four friends as they knelt by him Mari spoke.

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