The Rancher's Son Pt2 (Ian/Shayne)

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 Ian sat at the dining room table with his parents, and Ben as they ate lunch. Ian tried to have a conversation with the man, but his arrogant, self-centered, snobby attitude was making it very difficult. He had spent most of lunch lost in his thoughts of the two men he'd rather be with right now, Damien and Shayne. He's had to suffer through two hours now, of boring conversation and pathetic flirting from Ben. His thoughts were interrupted by Ben calling his name, putting on a fake smile Ian spoke.


 "I asked if you'd like to join me for dinner tomorrow night." Ben replied smiling, completely oblivious to Ian's dislike of him.

 "That's nice of you to offer, but I can't. I..."

 "He'd love too!" Ian's father said smiling, cutting Ian off.

 "That's great! I'll pick you up at seven tomorrow night." Ben replied, smiling too.

 "That's fine, he'll be ready." His father said, the two of them talking as if Ian wasn't even there, which pissed him off.


 Shayne finished his part of the fence, Damien had gone back to the barn to grab some more supplies to finish his half of the fence. As he waited, Shayne leaned against the fence, took his cowboy hat off, before he took his shirt off, and used it to wipe the sweat off of his face. He then tossed it on top of his toolbox, as he put his hat back on, he sat down on the grass to wait. Sitting there his mind; like usual, was filled with thoughts about Ian. From the first moment he laid eyes on Ian, Shayne was very attracted to him; he was gorgeous. His thoughts were interrupted by Damien returning, only he wasn't alone, he had Ian with him. Shayne stood smiling and met them at the truck, they got out and joined him.

 "Hey, Dames, you said you were going back to get supplies, you never said anything about picking up the boss's son." Shayne greeted them smiling, making all three of them laugh. "Hey, Ian."

 "Hey, Shayne." Ian replied, as he suddenly realized that Shayne wasn't wearing a shirt, instantly his head was filled with dirty thoughts about him.

 "How was your lunch?" Shayne asked, as he and Damien began unloading the truck, Ian watching his every move.

 "Um, it was good. Hey, you guys almost finished the fence!" Ian said quickly, trying to change the subject.

 "Wow, it must have been bad if you're changing the subject." Damien pointed out, as he and Shayne smiled at Ian.

 "No, it was good! I'm telling you two asses the truth." Ian said smiling.

 "Okay, now we know it was horrible, if you're repeating yourself, dude! Who are you trying to convince, us or you?" Shayne added, making Damien laugh.

 "Alright, fine! You're right, it was horrible!" Ian admitted sighing.

 "So, what happened?" Damien asked, as he leaned against the truck beside Shayne.

 "Besides having to suffer through two hours of listening to that arrogant, self-centered jerk talk about himself, his parent's money, and how he plans on taking over his family's business someday. He also asked me out to dinner tomorrow night." Ian explained sighing.

 "What did, say?" Shayne asked, trying to hide his jealousy.

 "I said no, but my father said yes." Ian answered sighing again.

 "Wait, your father said he'd go out with Ben? In front of your mom?" Damien asked confused.

 "No, Dames." Ian replied, shaking his head.

 "So, he did it when she wasn't in the room?" Damien asked.

 "I think the sun has screwed with your brain, Damien. My dad told Ben I'd go out with him." Ian explained smiling.

 "Oh, okay, that makes more sense!" Damien replied, as all three laughed. "So, what are you going to do, man?"

 "There's nothing I can do. Now I'm stuck going to dinner with him." Ian answered frustrated, as Shayne's jealousy grew.

 "Not necessarily!" Damien said smiling.

 "What?" Ian asked, as he looked at Shayne; who shrugged his shoulders. "Wanna share what you got bouncing around that head of yours?"

 "I mean you could always pretend you're sick." Damien answered.

 "That's perfect! I could start acting sick later on tonight, make it look believable! Damien, you are a genius, dude!" Ian said, as all three smiled.

 "I' am? I mean, I' am, aren't I?" Damien agreed smiling.

 "Alright, genius, let's finish this fence." Shayne said, as they laughed again.

 As they began working on the fence, Shayne couldn't stop thinking about Ian's date with Ben. He had never been jealous of anything in his entire life...but he was over this! It kind of scared him to think that he could be falling in love for the first time in his life. He shook his head at that thought, no that wasn't it; Shayne had never been in love with anyone...ever! It didn't matter whether or not he was falling in love, what did matter though was finding a way to stop that date between Ian and that rich bastard, Ben!


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