Love Hurts Pt17 (Shaymien)

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 Damien sat nervously on the chair in the annoyingly cheerful waiting room. He was nervous being here, his right leg bounced up and down, while his hands tapped out a quiet rhythm on his thighs. He looked around the empty room; the only other person with him in the room was the receptionist, who was busy with her work. He needed a distraction to keep his mind busy or he was going to leave and never come back. He saw magazines lying on the table in front of him, so without looking at the covers he grabbed one and opened it. It took a few seconds to realize he had grabbed a business magazine, he only figured it out after turning the page and saw a picture of himself, Ian, and Shayne along with an article talking about them; it was an old article from a couple of years ago about a big job they had done. He stared at Shayne's picture and felt his heart ache, feeling his tears threaten to fall, he quickly closed the magazine and put it back on the table. He leaned back sighing, as he ran his hands over his face, he began to think about everything that's happened; how his once perfect life turned into a nightmare. After arriving at the office this morning, he had parked and sat in his car for 10 minutes working up the courage to go inside. He couldn't do it, so he had started his car, but stopped himself from leaving, remembering Ian's words. So, he turned off his car, got out, and quickly went inside the building before he could change his mind. After checking in with the overly perky receptionist, he sat down to wait. His thoughts were interrupted by the receptionist calling his name.

 "Mr. Haas, Dr. Burgess will see you now." The pretty, blond woman said smiling.

 "Great." Damien replied, faking his smile, as he stood.

 The receptionist led the way to Dr. Burgess' office, she knocked on the door once, before she opened it, and let her know Damien was with her. He followed her into the room and was greeted by a pretty, middle-aged woman, with red hair and glasses. After introductions, Dr. Burgess thanked the receptionist and she left them alone, shutting the door behind her.

 "Why don't you have a seat Damien and we'll begin." She said, as she sat in a chair with her pad and pen.

 "Oh, okay." Damien agreed, as he looked around the room. "Uh, should...should I lay on the couch then?"

 "Is that what you'd like to do?" She questioned.

 "Well, I...I just thought that's what you're supposed to do. I've seen a lot of TV shows and movies and..."

 "The patient always lies on the couch?" She asked smiling, cutting him off, he nodded, as he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed. "Well, I don't usually do that and it's not mandatory, but if you think it'll help you relax, then by all means go ahead."

 Damien smiled, as he sat down on the couch first, before seconds later he laid down. After a few seconds, he didn't feel comfortable doing it, so he sat up and looked at her smiling nervously.

 "I...I think I'll just sit."

 "Alright then, shall we begin?"

 "Sure." Damien answered, as he took a deep breath.

**Meanwhile With Ian And Shayne**:

 Shayne sighed, as he sat down on the couch in his living room, Ian wasn't home, he was out running errands. He couldn't stop thinking of Damien and what he had read in his texts to Ian. He wanted to ask Ian about them, demand to know what was going on, but didn't, wanting to respect Damien's privacy. He still loved Damien and knew that he had screwed up, but he was trying to change, trying to become the man he used to be; the man Damien deserved! He took his phone out of his pocket and began looking at pictures of himself and Damien, as he thought about what's happened between the three of them over the last few months. His thoughts were interrupted by Ian coming into his house, seeing him Shayne put his phone away, and quickly put a fake smile on his face, as he spoke.

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