Forever Mine

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 The rain fell heavily outside; she sat on her bed, her laptop on her knees. She smiled as she looked through the new pictures she had taken that day of the man she loved! The pictures showed him doing various, day-to-day things completely oblivious to her. She stopped on one of him laughing with his best friend and closed her eyes imagining herself with him instead. She opened her eyes and continued looking through the pictures stopping on one of him sleeping; completely unaware of her constant presence, in his room. She touched his face and sighed; even sleeping he was gorgeous! She was so in love with him, others would call it obsessed, but not her! She knew that once they finally met he'd fall in love with her too and they'd live happily ever after! For now, at least until the time was right she'd love him from a distance!

**Two Days Later**:

 His head pounded, his whole body ached he coughed again as he buried himself further under the blankets in his blanket cocoon. This was the worst cold he's had in a long damn time and he was completely and utterly miserable! He heard his phone begin to ring and sighed, he put an arm over his eyes as he tried to make it stop with his mind. When that didn't work he sighed again and reached an arm out of his cocoon and felt around on his nightstand until he found it, he then brought it under the blanket.

 "Hello?" He asked, his voice raspy, his throat felt like he had swallowed glass.

 "Hey, dude, how you feeling?" Came the much too perky voice of his best friend.

 "I feel like crap! Thanks for asking!" He answered blowing his raw nose for the millionth time.

 "I'm going to be another couple hours at least; you want me to pick you up some soup or something on my way home?"

 "Yeah, that'd be awesome! Thanks, man."

 "So...I guess you didn't finish editing our latest video?"

 "No, Anthony, I didn't. Is that your not so subtle way of asking me if I could?"

 "Well...I figured there's only a little left to do on it and you're stuck at home anyway! But if you're too sick I can do it later?" Anthony said.

 "I'll do it now, tell the guys I say hi! I'll see you later, man!"

 "Awesome! See you later, dude, I'll bring you some of your favorite ice cream home too for doing that." Anthony said, before he hung up.

 After hanging up, still holding his phone, he put his arm back over his eyes and coughed he felt like crap, but he had work to do. He pulled the blankets off of him sighing and sat up, he waited for the dizziness to pass, before he put his phone down on the nightstand and grabbed his hoody that he had taken off earlier and left on his bed beside him. He put it on putting up the hood and stood; he had left his laptop in his trunk, he left his room slowly, his arms wrapped around himself to try and stay warm. He went into the kitchen and grabbed his keys off the counter before going outside. The sun was shining brightly hurting his eyes, so he pulled his hood down further over his face, as he went to his car and unlocked the trunk, coughing harshly as he did. He grabbed his computer, before he shut the trunk again, locking it and turned to go back inside. He stopped when he spotted the pink envelope stuck under one of the wipers on his car. He sneezed into his tissue, before he picked up the letter and saw it was addressed to him; he looked around to see if the person who left the letter was still around, but saw no one. He shrugged, before he went back inside and headed for his room, he got back into his bed and set up his laptop, he decided to open the letter.

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