The Rancher's Son Pt8 (Ian/Shayne)

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 Ian sat outside on the porch steps of his parent's ranch house in the late morning sunshine. It was just after breakfast, and he was drinking his coffee alone, as he watched the ranch hands busy with their morning chores. As he sat there, he saw two ranch hands walk into the barn together, they were smiling and talking to each other; oblivious to the rest of the world. They weren't just any ranch hands though, they were Damien and Shayne. Seeing them together made Ian's heart ache and sighing shakily, he thought about what happened between them and how the two men were strangers to him now, when not that long ago the three of them had been inseparable.

 His thoughts were interrupted by Damien and Shayne coming out of the barn with two of the new horses his parents had just bought. He watched the duo as they went into the corral and began working with the horses. He watched every move they made, every touch and smile they shared and felt his heart break knowing he'd never be with Shayne. Honestly, he had never thought that Shayne was the cheating type, until he slept with him and it made him wonder if Damien knew about it? Should he tell him? Part of him selfishly wanted to, maybe then they'd break up and he could have Shayne. A bigger part of him though didn't want to hurt Damien or Shayne, so he decided not to say anything. Sighing, he got up and went back into the house to find Ben. 

**A Week Later**:

 Shayne was alone in the barn feeding the animals, Damien was meeting up with him after he finished a supply run to town, once he was back, they were going to take all the horses out to the pasture. He sighed, as he finished and sat down on a bale of hay, suddenly, he heard Ian's voice and froze, waiting for him to come into the barn. After a few seconds passed, and he didn't, Shayne relaxed again. It's been days since that incredible night he shared with Ian under the stars and even though he had told Ian it could never happen again, Shayne wanted it to so damn bad! He leaned back against the wall, as he began to think about everything that's happened over the last few months that led to this moment.

 As the days passed, things between the trio have stayed the same, it seemed like Ian had finally accepted that their friendship was over and stopped trying to get them back. He became their employer only and acted like it, but worst of all, Ian seems to have decided to make his relationship with Ben work, it killed Shayne because he was still in love with him. Damien still knew nothing about what was going on, Shayne believed the less he knew the better it was, not wanting to worry or upset him.

 "You okay, Shayne?" Damien spoke, breaking into Shayne's thoughts, as he came into the barn.

 "Fine, why?" Shayne asked, as he stood.

 "This Ian thing still getting to you, huh?" Damien questioned sighing, as he crossed his arms.

 "What? No, don't be crazy, Haas! I'm..."

 "Lying! Dude, you talk in your well as...other things, that have officially scarred me for life now, Topp, thanks for that." Damien said, cutting him off.

 "Wait, you watch me sleep? That's borderline stalker shit, dude." Shayne teased laughing.

 "Your bed is beside mine." Damien replied, as he laughed too.

 "Seriously though, I'm fine, okay?" Shayne said smiling.

 "Alright, I'll drop it for now." Damien said sighing. "Happy?"

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