Rescue Pt4 (Ian/Damien)

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 Damien sat on a bench outside in front of the school, a radio held tightly in his hand. He sighed shakily, as he stared at the radio, begging to hear the voice of his loved one come from it, but it remained silent. He was alone right now, Shayne was talking to Grant. Damien sighed again, as he looked at the many people doing various things around him. He then looked at where the school used to be, before a bomb they were searching for inside exploded. Thinking about the explosion made his heart ache and his eyes fill with tears, knowing that Ian had been inside the school when it exploded and was now trapped! His heart broke knowing he was inside the school somewhere hurt and alone and time was running out for him. As he sat staring at the school, he began to think back to how this nightmare started. His thoughts were interrupted by Shayne coming out to let him know that Grant and his team were almost ready to go in after Ian.

 "Hey, Dames." Shayne said, as he walked up to him. "It's time, they're ready to go in after Ian."

 "Where are they?" Damien asked, as he stood.

 "They're near the school, they're just finishing up their briefing." Shayne answered, as they began walking to join them.

 Once there, they stood off to the side, listening as Grant instructed his team on what they were going to do; the press and bystanders watched and heard it all. As he spoke, Grant saw them and nodded to acknowledge them, they nodded back. After he finished talking to his team he headed to the school. On his way past them, Grant stopped and talked to Damien and Shayne promising they'd get him out. He then told them that they could watch the entire rescue on the monitor; Grant was wearing a body camera, they could also communicate with him through his radio. They thanked him and after telling him to be careful he left and they went inside the command center. As they did, they looked at Ian's monitor and froze, as they stared at his lifeless body. For a few heart-stopping seconds, they thought he was dead, until they saw the soft rise and fall of his chest and knew he was still alive. While Shayne turned on his radio and Grant's camera, Damien stood by the door staring at Ian, and even though he knew Ian wouldn't answer, he spoke to him gently letting him know help was coming.

 "Ian, baby, if...if you can hear me, I want you to know that help is on its way now. Grant and his team are going in after you, so please hang on a little longer. I love you so much, Ian." Damien said through his tears, as he watched Ian. "Please, don't leave me."

**Meanwhile With Ian**:

 Ian slowly drifted back to consciousness, he wasn't sure if he had imagined hearing Damien's voice, begging him to hold on, telling him Grant was coming, or if it had been real; it was becoming harder and harder for him to tell the difference. It was so damn hot and he was having a hard time breathing, he knew that wasn't a good sign, time was running out. He opened his eyes and saw he was still holding his radio and smiled weakly. He looked around and noticed the robot was there with him; which meant Damien and Shayne were still able to see him.

 After the school collapsed the second time, Ian had been covered in more debris and was in so much pain that he had been ready to give up! He didn't though, knowing he had two people who needed him to keep fighting for them! He had never been a quitter before and dammit, he wasn't about to become one now; not when he had so much to live for. He had no idea how long it had been since he last talked to his brothers and knew he had to let them know he was alive. He tried to move his arm that held the radio, but it wouldn't move, he was too weak; it felt like his arm weighed a ton! He refused to give up though, and he clenched his teeth, as he forced himself to move his arm towards himself, after a few seconds, he finally managed to do it. He smiled, as he closed his eyes, breathing hard, he rested for a few seconds. After he did he brought the radio closer to his face and without opening his eyes, he pushed the call button and spoke; his voice barely above a whisper.

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