Online Lovers (Ian/Shayne)

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 Courtney Miller and Damien Haas sat in the break room at work; they worked together with their best friends/family at YouTube's popular channel Smosh, the Smosh crew was one giant family, which included many people including Ian Hecox and Shayne Topp. They finished their coffees and decided to go back to set, as they neared the room they could hear Ian and Shayne fighting again, and decided instead of going in they'd keep walking and go back to the break room. After returning to the break room, they sat back down, after getting more coffee, Damien sighed as he began thinking of their brothers and how only a few months ago Ian and Shayne were so close; nothing could come between all of them. Something changed though, and they were enemies. They fought all the time, constantly putting the rest of the Smosh family; especially, Courtney and Damien, in the middle even though they all told the both of them how they felt about it, they hated it, they loved them both and it hurt to see them like this. The only time they weren't fighting was when they were filming, or doing something with or for their fans. None of them knew what had caused their change, neither would give them a straight answer about it. Damien hated it, he wished they'd work it out, so they could be a family again.

**Days Later**:

 It had been a long, tiring day of pretending he was still close to Ian for the fans, Shayne sighed as he laid on his bed, his open computer on his lap. He took a drink of his beer as he looked through the many pictures he had on his computer of himself and his entire Smosh family. Truthfully, he hated that he and Ian were now enemies; he wished he could fix whatever had gone wrong between them. As he stared at a picture of himself and Ian, he felt the all too familiar ache in his heart. The ache had started a month before he began fighting with Ian; he was confused about his feelings for Ian. He knew he'd always love Ian as a brother, but the last few months, he had been feeling something else for him.

 He was...could he be in love with Ian? No, that was crazy! He needed to distract himself so he began checking out different sites on the internet, until he came to a chat site about Smosh. He decided to have some fun with the fans, so he logged on as: SmoshFan1.

 Meanwhile, across town, in his living room, Ian sat on his couch drinking his second beer, his dog Daisy asleep on the end of the couch with him. He was supposed to be working on a new script, but he couldn't concentrate. Not being able to concentrate, he sighed as he let his usually chaotic mind wander where it wanted to, not focusing on anything specific. Until, like usual, one man invaded his mind and he felt the usual longing that he felt every time he thought of him.

 The problem was, who this man was...Shayne. Ian hated what he and Shayne had become, he still loved Shayne like a brother, but he wasn't sure if that was all he felt for him anymore. He couldn't be in love! Dammit, even as enemies that little shit managed to mess with Ian's already messed up head. He needed to distract himself, so he grabbed his computer off of the coffee table and opened it, turning it on. A few minutes later, after aimlessly scrolling through the internet, he came across a Smosh chat site. As he read some of the comments, one fan caught his attention, their name was SmoshFan1, so he decided to talk to them. After a few seconds, he made a chat name: SmoshRules, he then spent the next three hours talking to the person, and the whole time he didn't think of Shayne once.

**Days Later**:

 Days passed, and even though both Ian and Shayne really liked their new computer friends, neither told each other or the rest of the Smosh family about them; it was something they wanted to keep to themselves. The fighting between Ian and Shayne though, only got worse, so to keep themselves sane they'd vent to their computer friend and afterward, they always felt so much better.

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