Love Hurts Pt16 (Shaymien)

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 Damien sat on the couch in his parent's living room with his open computer on his lap. Ian was in the kitchen making them coffee and calling Shayne. He stared at the computer, but wasn't reading anything, he was listening to Ian's conversation and felt his heart ache. He closed his eyes and sighed, as he thought about Shayne, and felt his tears fall silently. He opened his eyes, quickly, wiped his tears away, and took a deep breath, no, he was done crying, he was learning with Ian's help to become strong again. He put his laptop on the coffee table and leaned back sighing, as he thought back to how his once perfect life had turned into a nightmare! It had been a couple of hours now since he agreed to get help and so far, they still haven't found a therapist, but he refused to give up, not after making himself a promise to stop being a victim. His thoughts were interrupted by Ian coming back into the living room with their coffees.

 "Any luck with the search?" Ian asked, as he sat on the couch beside him and handed him a coffee.

 "Uh, no." Damien replied sighing, as they put their coffees on the table.

 "Alright, D-man, this is getting crazy, dude. You agreed to do this so you could finally move on, but we've looked at least 10 different therapists and you've found something wrong with every single one of them!" Ian said frustrated.

 "What?" Damien said shocked. "No, I haven't!"

 "Dude, yes, you have! One Doctor wasn't right because he worked out of his home. Another one wasn't right because she looked too much like a grandmother."

 "Hey, in my defense, would you want to take mental help from someone who looks like she should be baking cookies and knitting?" Damien asked.

 "I could go on and on with the reasons you've given me for why each one of these therapists isn't right for you. I love you, brother, but I know what you're doing, you're just looking for any reason to not talk to someone. Damien, I only suggested it because I thought it would help, but if you're not ready to then we can just forget it. It's your call, you say the word and we forget all about it, okay?" Ian said gently.

 "Ian, I...I want to, I know it's the only way I'm going to be able to move on, but I'm scared. The whole thing scares me and I don't think I'm ready to do it yet, but I know I need to." Damien said quietly, tears in his eyes.

 "It's okay, D." Ian replied, as he hugged him tight. "We're doing this to make you better and if you aren't ready to do this it's okay. We'll put the idea on hold until you feel strong enough to do it."

 "Thanks, Ian, I'd be lost without you. I love you, brother." Damien said, as the hug ended.

 "I love you too, Damien, I'll always have your back, that's what family is for. Hey, why don't we go out and do something? Go have some much needed and much-deserved fun?" Ian suggested smiling.

 "Sure, I'd like that." Damien agreed smiling.

 "Let's go change and then we'll go." Ian said, as they got up and went to change.

**Days Later**:

 Shayne sighed, as he watched Ian talking on the phone with Damien; checking in with him again. He sat down on Ian's couch and ran his hands over his face. It's been three days now since Ian returned home after spending a week with Damien. He was so happy that Ian was back, he had really missed his brother, but he had been disappointed that Damien wasn't with him. He sighed again, as he began to think about what's happened between the three of them over the last few months. During the time Ian was with Damien, Shayne took the time alone to work on himself, physically and mentally. He split his time working, seeing Dr. Gray, and working out; of course, Ian checked in with him by phone and computer every day at least 10 times a day and it made him smile knowing how worried Ian was about him. Now that Ian was back, he felt a little stronger, he'd feel complete though when Damien finally returned to them. His thoughts were interrupted by Ian coming into the living room and sitting beside him.

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