Living In The Past Pt7 (Ianthony)/(Shaymien)

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 Ian finished getting dressed for work, while Anthony was in the shower. He heard Anthony singing to himself and smiled, he sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. He loved Anthony more than he's ever loved anyone before, but his heart was secretly broken because of one man, Shayne freaking Topp. He sighed again, as he thought of his life with Anthony and how screwed up it was now that Shayne was back. It's been a week since he found out that Anthony was sleeping with Shayne. He managed to fake his way through it, pretending he was fine, so Anthony didn't suspect a thing. Of course, he planned on talking to Carter to see exactly what he knew and come up with a plan together to catch their cheating lovers in the act; as long as he could control Carter and keep him from screwing everything up. His thoughts were interrupted by Anthony coming into the room, only wearing a towel around his waist, seeing Ian, he smiled.

 "Hey, baby boy." Anthony said, as he went to the bed, bent down, and kissed Ian.

 "Hey, Anthony." Ian replied, as he watched Anthony go to the closet to look for something to wear to work. "You need a ride to work?"

 "Nope, Shayne's picking me up. We're stopping at the garage to pick up my car first." Anthony answered, his back still to Ian.

 "Oh, okay." Ian said, trying to hide the hurt in his voice. "I'll see you tonight then, I've got to go in early to work." He added, as he stood.

 "Hey, you wanna go out to eat tonight?" Anthony asked, as he turned to face him. "We can celebrate?"

 "Celebrate?" Ian asked confused, as he smiled. "Celebrate what?"

 "Whatever we want; the weather, us, awesome sex. I don't need any other reason to celebrate, other than I want to, as long as it's with you. Come on, afterward, we can come back here and have dessert." Anthony said smiling, as he walked up to Ian and took him in his arms, before he kissed him.

 "Mm...can we just skip dinner and go straight to dessert?" Ian asked smiling.

 "I like your idea better." Anthony answered smiling, before he kissed him again.

 "It's a date, I'll see you tonight. Have a good day, babe, I love you." Ian said, before he kissed Anthony and pulled away.

 "Awesome. Have a great day too, baby boy, I love you more." Anthony replied, as he went back to the closest turning his back to him, as Ian walked to the door, but stopped and looked at him one more time, before sighing he left.


 Ian nervously sat at the table in the restaurant waiting for Carter to join him. He was on his lunch break and had called Carter before he left work, asking to meet up for lunch and of course, Carter agreed.

 "Hey, Ian." Carter greeted him, as he sat across from him.

 "Hey, Carter." Ian replied.

 "I wanted to ask when you called, but I forgot. How did you get my number anyway?" Carter asked, as they looked at the menus.

 "Simple, I remembered where you said you worked; I looked it up and found the number. Then I called and asked for you." Ian answered, as the waitress came to take their order.

 "Ihave to tell you, I was surprised to hear from you afterwhat happened at the gym." Carter said, after the waitress left.

 "Well, I've done a lot of thinking since then." Ian replied.

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