Remembering Us Pt5

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 "Ian at least talk to him? Tell him this, tell him you hate him, but at least talk to him!" Lasercorn begged knowing how miserable Anthony was without Ian."

 "I don't know David...he hurt me!" Ian said sighing sadly.

 "At least think about it?" Lasercorn asked.

 "Alright, I'll think about it!" Ian agreed.

 "Great! Now...what about us?" Lasercorn questioned quietly.

 "What about us?" Ian asked.

 "I want our friendship back! I miss you man, I know what I did was stupid and I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm so sorry Ian!"

 "You're don't!" Ian said as Lasercorn nodded and stood, he turned to leave when Ian spoke again stopping him. "I forgive you though!"

 "You do?" Lasercorn asked shocked turning around to see Ian was standing too.

 "Yeah, I do!" Ian said as they hugged. "Even though what you did was incredibly stupid, hurtful and wrong...your heart was in the right place. Your brain...not so much, but your heart definitely was."

 "I promise I'll never do anything like this again!" 

 "I'm holding you to that!" Ian said smiling.

 "So am I! It's late, I should go. Just think about it, okay?"

 "Okay, night, Lasercorn."

 "Night, Ian."

 After Lasercorn left, Ian sat on the couch and thought about what he had said and he knew Lasercorn was right, he had to at least talk to Anthony. He grabbed his keys and threw on his shoes before he left. 15 minutes later, he pulled up to the house, Anthony's car was there which meant he was home. Taking a deep breath he got out of the car and went to the front door, it was locked so he used his key and went inside calling to Anthony, he checked each room, but Anthony wasn't there. Ian stood in the living room trying to figure out where he could be, when suddenly he smiled he knew where Anthony was! Anthony was at the same place he always goes to when he's stressed, upset, or just needed to think...the park near their house. Ian quickly left and walked to the park which was deserted at this time of night, he walked slowly to Anthony's usual spot. As he neared the tree he spotted Anthony laying on his back in the grass starring at the stars, he reached him and without looking at each other or speaking Ian sat on the grass beside him. He pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, neither said anything for a few minutes, until Ian sighed as he looked at the stars and told Anthony about Lasercorn's visit.

 "David came to see me tonight."

 "I had nothing to do with that, I swear!" Anthony said sitting up quickly and looked at Ian.

 "I know, he told me." Ian answered still looking at the stars.

 "He did?"

 "Yep, he told me some other things too." Ian said his eyes never leaving the sky.

 "He...he did? Like what?" Anthony asked nervously.

 "He told me all of this was his idea." Ian answered.

 "Is that all?"

 "He also told me something about you...I just don't understand why I had to hear it from him instead of you?"

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