Masquerade (Ian/Courtney)

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 Courtney Miller sat in the backseat of the car, two of her best friends/co-workers Ian Hecox and Damien Haas sat in the front; Ian was driving. As she listened to her friends talking and laughing, she stared out the window a smirk on her lips, as she watched the world go by. She loved all of her Smosh family and would do anything for them, but two years ago she realized her feelings for Ian had changed...she had fallen in love with him. She kept it hidden from the entire Smosh family; especially Ian, afraid of losing him completely if he didn't feel the same...why would he? He was Ian Hecox, he could have anyone he wanted, why would he want her?

 "Court?" Ian's voice spoke, breaking into her thoughts.

 "Yeah." Courtney answered, as she sat up straight.

 "You okay, Courtney?" Ian asked.

 "Fine, why?" She questioned confused. "Wait, where's Dames?" She asked noticing Damien wasn't in the car.

 "He's getting our lunch order. You sure you're okay?"

 "What?" She said shocked, as she looked out the window and saw they were already at the restaurant. "How long have we been here?"

 "Five minutes, we tried to tell you, but you were lost in your head." Ian answered smiling that incredible smile she loved so much. "What were you thinking about?" Ian asked, as they got out of the car.

 "Oh...I was just thinking about the video we're filming after lunch." She answered quickly, as they headed into the restaurant to join Damien.

 "If you say so. You come up with any new ideas for the video while you were thinking, Court-Bourt?"

 "Not yet, but I'm thinking about it." She answered, as they found Damien in line and stood beside him. "I will though, I always do, don't I?"

 "Yeah, you do, that's one of the many, many reasons I love you, Court." Ian said, as he put an arm around her shoulders.

 "Yeah, yeah." She said laughing, wishing Ian loved her, like she loved him.

**A Month Later**:

 Ian smiled, as he watched Courtney laughing with Damien and Shayne between takes on set. Ian shook his head, as he turned and headed for his office to grab the newest copy of the script he had been working on. Once inside the room, he began looking through the many papers on his desk for the script he had printed off that morning, his mind wasn't on the video though, it was like usual, completely full of Courtney. Ian loved his entire Smosh family, but for the last two years, he's been in love with Courtney. He had never been in love like this before and that alone scared the hell out of him, but what made it 1000 times worse was that it was Courtney he had fallen in love with. He kept it hidden from the entire Smosh family though, afraid of losing her if she didn't feel the same...why would she? She was Courtney freaking Miller, she could have anyone she wanted, why would she want him? His thoughts were interrupted by Courtney and Noah coming into the room, Ian turned to face them.

 "Hey, guys." Ian greeted them smiling.

 "Where did your crazy ass get to, bossman? I thought you were supposed to meet us back on set with the new script?" Courtney asked smiling.

 "I got side-tracked." Ian answered, as he continued searching for the script.

 "Should have known." Noah said smiling.

 "Thanks, man." Ian said, as they all laughed.

 "Don't worry, bossman, we still love you." Courtney added, as she put her arm around Ian's shoulders.

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